Chapter 10: Cannibal

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Kion walked out of her den, from apprentice, to a warrior. Kovu looked at Kion, anxiously.

"So, what happened?"

"Well, I'm a warrior now," Kion replied, a smile on his face. "Hell yeah dude! Good job!" Kovu punched Kion in the arm. "Thanks," Kion smiled.

Another roar sounded through the territory. Kion looked toward the entrance, and saw Simba burst through, "Where's Kiara!" His gaze landed on the fresh kill pile, lions still fighting over her.

Simba's gaze darkened, and he looked over at Kion. His eyes widened, "What are you doing here!"

Kion walked forward confidently, "You abused me, neglected me, overworked me, a never appreciated me. So I left."

Simba roared in anger, and lunged at Kion. Before Simba reached Kion, a brown figure flashed forward and slammed him to the ground.

Kion smirked. Rani was here.

Rani kept Simba pinned, "What are you doing here!" She barred her teeth. "Getting Kion back." Simba replied calmly.

"No! I don't-" Rani cut Kion off, "Kion's in our pride now Simba. Leave, or you'll regret it."

"Fine I'll leave. But Kion has one week to decide where he truely belongs," Simba shoved Rani off him and walked out.

Rani watched him, her gaze cold as ice, "Follow him. Make sure he leaves." A couple male lions dashed after the king.

Rani turned back to the Pride, "Everyone go back to your regular duties."

Kovu looked at Kion, "Are you alright?" Kion stared at the entrance his dad came from, "I-I can't go back..."

"Don't worry, you won't," Kovu assured him. "You don't know that!" Kion shouted. He looked at Kovu. "I do know that our pride is stronger than their's. We can overpower them," Kovu replied, keeping his voice calm.

"No! I don't just want to over power them! I want the kingdom destroyed! I want nothing left of it! Everyone will he dead!" Kion roared.

Everyone turned their gaze to Kion and Kovu.

Kovu narrowed his eyes, "Outsiders aren't cannibals. We won't destroy the kingdom, just hurt the animals that hurt you."

"Our leader is a cannibal. Are you not going to listen to her?" Kion asked, sarcastically. "I'll listen to Rani, but I won't ever eat an animal alive, or eat another animal of my kind," Kovu replied.

Kion thought about what Kovu was saying. He did have a point. Maybe cannibalism was too far, "Alright. We'll just kill them."

"I'm glad you came to your senses Kion," Kovu smiled and walked away.

Kion dug his claws into the ground, and walked to Rani's den.

"Your majesty?" Kion asked. "Come in." Her voice sounded annoyed. Kion walked in and saw Rani laying down, cleaning her fur.

" I was talking with Kovu, and we both agreed that when we attack, we don't want to be cannibals."

Rani growled slightly and stood up, "Are you going against your leader?" "No, of course not. But I'd just rather kill my family rather than ea them alive. You catch my drift?"

"Uh no. You do as I say," Rani unsheathed her claws. But drew them back in. Kion noticed, "I'm not trying to make you angry, I'm just telling you that I won't be eating my family."

Rani gave in. "Fine." "Thank you. Also, there is something else I have to say." Kion said. Rani laid down and rolled her eyes. "What."

"Well...err...uh...remember how that one night we slept together?" Kion stammered. "Yes I do," Rani replied. She seemed a bit intrigued. "Well, since that night...I've been growing...feelings toward you." Kion felt his fur growing hot with embarrassment.

Rani stared at him for a minute, then laughed, "Wow that's funny. Nice one Kion!" " I'm serious." Kion replied.

Rani looked at him confused. "You like me? Even though I want to eat your family alive?" "Err...yes."

"Listen, I'm a cannibal, you aren't. We just don't mix. But, you are quite attractive." Rani smirked.

"Sorry, but you aren't my mate. You never will be. I'm going to be alone. You can leave now," Rani flicked her tail, and Kion left.

Kion sighed, "I shouldn't have admitted it to her." "Admitted what?" Kovu asked walking beside him.

"That I like Rani." Kion replied. "Ohhh," Kovu nodded. "I just don't know what to do," Kion sighed. "It will all play out eventually. Now come on. We're preparing for the war." Kovu ran off, and Kion chased after him.

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