Chapter 9: New Queen

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Kion and Kovu were both bleeding and had somewhat deep scratches from their training session.

A lioness ran up to them, looking worried, "Are you alright? Are we under attack! How did this happen? Do we need to-" Kovu shut her up. "Nothing happened. We were just training."

"You're training a little harsh. Don't you think?"

"We're males. We can take a scratch or two, unlike you weak lionesses," Kovu growled. "Who are you calling weak!" The lioness snarled and got closer to him.

"You," Kovu smirked. Their muzzles were about to touch. The lioness roared in anger.

"That's enough you guys," Kion said. "We don't need to argue about this." "Who's side are you on!" Kovu growled. "Yours," Kion replied.

"Then start acting like it!" Kovu narrowed his eyes at Kion and walked away.

The lioness stormed off. Kion realized just how separated they really were. Lionesses and males just couldn't get along here. And of they were planning to attack Simba, that wouldn't be good.

Suddenly, a roar broke out in the center of the territory. Everyone ran toward it.

Kion gasped as he saw Zira with Kiara in her jaws.

"I caught her sneaking into our pride," Zira snarled. Kovu stood beside Kion, "What's going on?"

"They have Kiara," Kion replied. "Kiara?" Kovu looked up, and saw Kiara being dragged across the ground by Zira. Sadness filled his heart.

Kion smirked evilly. His sister was getting what she deserved.

Zira dragged Kiara toward a tree. Some other male lions held Kiara, while Zira dragged a vine and wrapped it around Kiara's neck.

The princess tried to escape, but the males were too strong.

Zira grabbed the end of the vine, and jumped onto a tree. She put it over a strong branch, and jumped back down. Crowds of the Outland lions surrounded the scene. Kion was one of them, ready to watch his sister pay. Kovu stood at the back, looking at Kiara apologetically.

Zira tugged on the vine, and Kiara's body lifted up by her neck. Kiara started choking. Zira twitched her tail and Kovu came over and held the vine in place. He didn't want to, but he had no choice.

Zira walked infront of Kiara. Watching her die was satisfying for all of them.

Kiara stopped twitching, and her body went limp. They all cheered, while Kovu slowly lightened his grip on the vine so Kiara could slowly fall.

Zira took the vine off Kiara's neck, and threw her body in the fresh kill pile, which wasn't usually stocked, but they wouldn't mind eating a lion. Lions dashed forward and started ripping Kiara's body apart.

Rani walked up to Zira, "Zira, I know you're leader and all, but don't you think you went a little soft for her punishment?"

"You weren't born here, you don't know what you're talking about," Zira growled.

"Yes I do. And I think a bit more cannibalism, or barbarism would be better. Instead of eating her dead body, we eat her alive. I mean she's dead now, but I'm thinking about for the future," Rani suggested.

"I may be an Outsider, but I would never go THAT far," Zira replied. "Fine. We'll need a new leader then," Before Zira could react, Rani launched herself at Zira and bit into her neck.

Zira was old, so she found it harder to fight back. Rani easily overpowered her. Rani bit hard into Zira's stomach and ripped out her organs. Blood was everywhere.

Kion didn't like this anymore, and he backed away.

Rani started eating Zira alive, Zira's blood coated her fur.

Rani licked her muzzle clean, leaving a little bit of Zira's fur and her carcass.

"All bow to Rani. Our new queen!" A lioness shouted. Everyone bowed, even Kovu and Kion.

Kovu walked over to Kion and whispered, "I can't believe you actually slept with her!" "Me either," Kion said, shocked.

Rani walked away toward the leaders den.

As she was walking, she passed Kion and Kovu, "Kion, come with me?" Kion held his breath and replied, "Why, your majesty." "I said NOW!" Rani roared. Kion nodded instantly and followed her.

Kion had never been in the queens den before. He looked around and Rani stood infront of him.

"Do you really want to kill Simba?"

"Yes! I do!" Kion shouted. He realized he had shouted and cleared his throat, "I mean yes."

"Good. I've watched your training, and you're decent. But in order to become a warrior, you have to fight me," Rani explained.

"But you're the queen. I can't fight you. And I've watched you fight Zira. You're unstoppable," Kion explained.

Rani smirked, "Good answer. But you still have to fight me in order to prove you're ready."

"Alright then your majesty," Kion nodded. Rani got into a fight position. "Wait now?" Kion asked, shocked. Before he could react, Rani lunged at him.

Kion groaned as she slammed him on his back. He kicked her off and looked at her paws. Her claws were sheathed. He nodded and attacked.

Rani ducked and Kion flew over her. Rani pinned him down, but Kion rolled over and held her to the ground. Rani kicked him off and he hit his head on the ground.

Kion groaned and the world went dizzy. He didn't stop though, and attacked Rani again. He pinned her down, but lost his balance and fell on her.

"Oh God you're heavy," Rani tried pushing him off, but Kion wouldn't budge. Kion shook his head and the world went normal. He gasped as he realized he was ontop of Rani. He quickly got off, "I'm so sorry your majesty."

Rani stood up and shook her fur clean, "You're good. And, you passed. You're a warrior now."

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