Chapter 16: Ambush

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Kion walked into Rani's den. He couldn't find her, "Rani?" Suddenly, he was pinned down. He snarled and rolled over onto his back, smashing the attacker. He stood up and pinned the animal down. His eyes widened when he realized it was Rani.

"Rani! I'm so sorry!" Kion quickly got off her. Rani scowled at him, "Do I look like Simba to you!" Kion tucked his ears down.

"Help me up."

Kion grabbed her paw and helped Rani onto her paws, "What did you attack me for?" Rani didn't answer, "What are you doing in my den?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk," Kion turned red. Rani smiled, "I'd love to." They both walked out of the den. The pride was shocked to see them together. Kovu smirked at Kion. Kion chuckled and continued walking.


"Yeah?" Kion replied, turning to her.

"Is it better in the Pridelands, or here?" Rani asked.

"That's not even a question. It's so much better here! My family never loved me. But everyone here does," Kion explained.

Rani smiled, "I'm glad you like it here. And soon, we'll have the Outlands and the Pridelands!"

Kion nodded.

As they continued walking through the Outlands, Kion started to feel like they were being watched, "Do you feel that?"

"Feel what?"

Kion narrowed his eyes and looked around, "Nevermind "

"Is something bothering you, Kion?" Rani looked at him suspiciously.

"No no no, I'm fine. It's probably just trauma," Kion said, still looking around. He calmed down.

Kion then heard a twig snap and a loud roar. Before he could even see what was happening, dust was thrown into his eyes. Kion roared in pain.

He heard Rani growling fiercely. Kion got the dust out of his eyes and looked around. He saw Rani fighting a lioness, but dust was everywhere so he couldn't see who it was.

Kion was quickly slammed into the ground. And a heavy lion stood on his back. Kion groaned in pain. The lion leaned down and whispered in Kion's ear, "You're useless. You should be dead!"

Kion's eyes widened. It was Simba.

Kion roared and threw Simba off him. "Rani! Run and get the rest of the pride!" He yowled. Rani quickly got out of the lioness's grasp and ran.

Kion slashed his claws at Simba's muzzle. He heard his grandmother talk to him, "Violence isn't the answer, Kion. You're better than this!" A voice Kion recognized all too well spoke, "No, Kion. Evil is always the answer! Accept it!" Kion roared and grabbed his head.

Sarabi and Scar kept fighting inside Kion's head. Kion roared in pain and in doing so, used the Roar Of The Elders. The earth broke open, separating the Outlanders from the Pridelanders.

Scar hissed at Kion, "You're evil!" Sarabi spoke, "Don't listen to him, Kion!" Kion started hitting hid head against a rock, "Shut up!"

A lion came up from behind him. Scar's voice took over and Kion grabbed the lion's neck with his paw. It was Kovu.

"Woah man! Chill out!" Kovu growled. Kion glared at him but let him go. Kovu gasped for breath, "We fought Simba and his pride off. They're gone. But what has gotten into you!"

"I'm fine!" Kion snarled.

"No. Kion you aren't fine. You let evil control you. Now you're gone," Sarabi sighed as Scar laughed evilly.

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