Chapter 2: An Empty Home, Empty no More

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Two hours later.

Driveway of Continental Tailor

Japan: Miyazaki prefecture.

"Miss Wick." The well-dressed taxi driver called as the yellow car came to a stop with a soft screech in front of an unassuming clothing store. "We have arrived."

Yoru groggily pushed herself off of the continental vehicle's window. The teen undid her seatbelt and breathed out a soft yawn.

"Thank you..." The violet-haired hitwoman muttered a thanks as she unlocked the door and swung her feet outside of the vehicle.

"Do you need me to wait here until you finish your business?" The chauffeur asked as the young assassin's black boots impacted the ground with a dull crunch. "It would be of no extra charge of course. After all, it's very late."

"It would be greatly appreciated." the well-dressed girl replied as she blinked away her grogginess. "Ordering a suit won't take more than half an hour. I'll tell you my address when I return."

The suit-wearing taxi driver nodded as he watched Yoru push open the glass door of the clothing store, the small door chimes hanging from the top jingled as the well-dressed hitwoman disappeared into the building.

"Hello, welcome." An apron wearing woman greeted as the teenage hitwoman gently closed the glass door behind her. "How may I help you?"

"I'd like to put in an order, shopkeep." The suit-wearing assassin said as she walked closer to the shopkeeper reached into her left pocket and pulled out several gold coins and deposited them into the seamstress's awaiting palm.

"Is this a rush order?" Ayane asked as she motioned for the younger girl to follow her.

"No." Yoru answered with a shake of her head. "I'm just here for a replacement."

"Finally thinking of replacing your father's old suit?" The red haired shopkeeper inquired as she inserted a silver key and unlocked a door near the back of the shop with a sharp click.

"Yeah." The girl responded with a nod, walking toward the door when the continental tailor motioned for her to go inside.

The violet-eyed hitwoman pushed open the oak door to reveal an extravagant room that seemed out of place within the otherwise humble corner clothing store.

The room was furnished with expensive spruce drawers and two open closets filled to the brim with suits were situated on both sides of a large mirror. A glass cabinet filled with rolls of expensive fabric sat flush against the left wall. In the center of the room, there's a small coffee table with an antique tea set sitting on top.

Two clothing racks filled with suits line both sides of the entrance and the right side of the room housed a table behind a shooting range with a ballistic dummy clad in a three piece suit situated twenty feet away.

"Please, hang up your jacket here Miss Wick." The apron-wearing shopkeeper requested as she offered the suit-wearing teen a coat hanger from one of the closets. "We'll need to take some measurements. After all, it's been a while and you're a growing girl."

"I am legally an adult." the violet-haired assassin abashedly said as she unbuttoned her black suit jacket.

"Sixteen is a bit young to stop growing, no?" The older woman teasingly refuted as the assassin slipped the wooden coat hanger into her father's coat.

The suit-wearing assassin just unamusingly deadpanned at the continental tailor as she handed the seamstress her now secured suit jacket.

"Sorry Miss Wick, I'm just teasing." The redhead playfully apologized as she delicately hung the violet-eyed hitwoman's coat in one of the closets. "It's just that you're so different from most of my other customers. You're a rare breed you know?"

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