22 - Momo's Comeback

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Momo POV

Momo was tired, she really needed a drink...




Of Golden Tips Imperial Tea.

Ever since the USJ incident life seems to be a constant stress to the raven haired heiress. She still has nightmares at times about Denki potentially dying from that electricity villain.

Then came the UA Sports festival, where she felt like she vastly underperformed compared to the rest of her peers. Sure, she had gotten to the final round, but the first round every hero student had passed and in the second round she felt like she only passed because of Shoto.

Sure, the insular blanket and the various poles she created were instrumental to their victory, but that was more of a display of her Quirks abilities rather than her own actually skill.

And in the final round, she had been beaten so soundly that Tenya didn't even break a sweat.

It was quite the blow to her self esteem.

But still, she carried on her classes to the best of her abilities despite her feelings of inadequacy. Studying dutifully and getting perfect scores in every test and assignment, doing little to curb her self doubts.

Afterall, what good will meager test scores do against villains?


"Now that Shinsou is in Class-1A, I've decided that we'll do a team excercise to establish cooperation with the lot of you. You've been working together for the past month and a half, and now its time to learn to adapt to new teammates." Shouta started to explain.

"This excercise will be a mix of capture the flag and an elimination match. You will be pitted against eachother in ground Gamma with one flag for each team and one flag at the center of the faux factory. You can win either by having direct possesion of all 5 flags or by being the last team standing." Shouta explained.

"Sensei!" Tenya raised an arm up robotically, "What do you mean by 'direct possession'? And what is the terms for elimination?"

"It means that your team has to be physically holding all 5 flags at once to count as a victory. You are eliminated upon being captured in capture tape. And no, you cannot free your teammates this time." Shouta elaborated. "Since Ojiro is sick, I'm assigning you into 4 groups of five. Team 1 will consist of Ashido, Midoriya, Lida, Sato, and Kirishima." he began.

"Yeah!" Eijiro shouted, smashing his hardened fists together, "Let's do this team!"

"Yippee!" Mina shouted in glee, doing a small dance.

"They sure are excited..." Rikido remarked.

"Indeed, it appears that our team is quite balanced, the only thing we're missing is a scout." Tenya said.

"C'mon Midori, join our cheer!" Mina encouraged.

Izuku blushed, "M-Midori? I-I-I-I U-U-Um-m..."

"Silence!" Shouta glared with erasure eyes, shutting Mina up. "Team 2 will have Shinsou, Todoroki, Koda, Uraraka, and Shoji."

"Let's do this!" Ochaco said, with a terrifyingly massive aura surrounding her, causing everyone in her general vicinity to take a step back.

"I-I'll be in your care." Hitoshi said dryly, trying to mask his fear.

"What a terrifying aura, is she Mirko's secret love child?" Shoto asked to himself. Shoji and Koji just looked at Shoto in confusion.

"Team 3 has Obanai, Yaoyorozu, Jiro, Aoyama and Hagakure." Shouta continued.

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