Chapter 15: Illumia & Foundation Establishment

Start from the beginning

"Oww, what the heck happened? All I did was stand up!?" Asked Elif, rubbing his head while feeling annoyed once again.

"Congratulations on breaking through into the Foundation Establishment, your highness!" Replied Illumia, though when she congratulated Elif, her voice sounded incredibly bland.

Quickly turning around in fright at another person in my room, I see Illumia, which slightly calmed me down, though honestly, I completely forgot about her existence.

'So I advanced into the Foundation Establishment realm; no wonder I hit my head on the ceiling. I'm not yet accustomed to the strength increase that comes with each advancement in cultivation when you reach the Foundation Establishment realm.' Thought Elif, curious at how powerful he had become.

Climbing out of bed, I walk toward one of the dressers and try lifting it up, which I manage to do quite easily; setting it down, I try lifting my bed, but even after giving it my all, I could only lift about half of it before I had to set back down.

"My goodness, how heavy is that bed!?" Asked Elif, astonished at why his bed was so heavy.

"Your bed is approximately four-thousand three-hundred forty-eight kilograms, your highness." Answered Illumia in the same tone of voice as before.

"Why is my bed that heavy? I'm pretty sure a bed doesn't need to be that heavy." Replied Elif, who was still confused about why his bed was so heavy, with the bed frame being entirely made out of gold, but of course, Elif didn't know gold was a dense metal.

"That can be discussed later, your highness, but Empress Maria said to visit her once you've advanced to the Foundation Establishment realm." Said Illumia.

"But shouldn't mother be acting as the Empress right now along with father?" Asked Elif, as he didn't wish to intrude on them.

"Yes, currently, both the Emperor and Empress are in the Throne room in the middle of a meeting with some of the nobles of the Empire, but the Empress has ordered me to bring you to them once you have advanced to the Foundation Establishment realm." Answered Illumia.

"Well then, lead the way to the throne room; I don't want to get lost in the maze that we call hallways." Said Elif, mumbling the last part.

Since I was already ready, I followed behind Illumia as she led the way to the throne room, and I must say, if it weren't for her, I would've gotten lost as every single hallway looked practically the same as the one before it.

'Whoever made this castle should've done a better job with these hallways!' Thought Elif, annoyed at the layout of the castle.

Not long later, we arrive in another hallway; however, this one had some apparent differences with it being vastly wider and taller than the ones before it, as well as it leading to a beautifully designed set of giant double doors, though they are still several times smaller than the ones at the Erdtree.

"We've arrived, your highness; just beyond these doors is the Throne room where the Emperor and Empress perform their duty as the current rulers of the Empire." Said Illumia, with a slight hint of respect oozing out of her.

Walking forward, I try pushing the doors open, and surprisingly they're pretty light; opening them all the way, I'm met with a giant room filled with beautiful paintings, antiques, and a giant floating chandelier that lights up the entire room. However, before I could walk any further, Illumia suddenly appeared in front of me.

"His highness, Crown Prince Elif has arrived!" Said Illumia; though she didn't say it loudly, her voice resounded throughout the entire room.

I was confused why Illumia would announce my presence since mother and father should've known I was coming, but then I suddenly saw the two rows of shining armor on each side of the wall kneel before greeting me.

"CROWN PRINCE ELIF HAS ARRIVED!" Yelled the men and women in armor kneeling.

'I thought those were just fancy armor stands.' Thought Elif, though he wasn't surprised as he's seen a few royal guards roam through the castle hallways.

I started walking to the other side of the room, where I noticed mother and father sitting on giant golden thrones with a huge golden emblem of a star behind them, the star which every Royal Elf has on their forehead, while several people were standing beneath them, looking at me.

When I arrived close by, I noticed everyone was Elf, and they seemed to be scrutinizing me, which felt slightly weird, but I didn't really care about the supposed nobles; passing by them, I stopped just before mother and father who sat on their thrones and I was surprised as their demeanor was completely different to when they're with me. Usually, they're, well, normal, as that's the only way I've ever seen them, but currently, they look exceptionally majestic and imposing with the aura radiating off them, and I find it somewhat cool.

'Will I get to be like that too?' Thought Elif.

"Ohh, Elif, I see you've advanced to the Foundation Establishment realm." Said Maria with a smile on her face while still retaining the majestic and imposing aura.

"Well, it wasn't hard or anything, but you told me to come here, so what's going on, mother?" Replied Elif, who had gotten teleported on top of Maria's lap.

"Well, nothing much; we're just talking about casual stuff that's happened within the Empire." Answered Maria as she pinched Elifs cheeks.

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