Chapter 34: Brothers

ابدأ من البداية

Seizing the opportunity, Todo races across the room, his hooves echoing through the chamber. Every heartbeat adds to the desperation for this to work. This has to work.

As the cloud of ice dissipates, Corb's rage-filled eyes fixate on Todo across the room with a glare. Todo's hands tremble so he calms himself with a deep breath before raising his shield, his body quivering with a mix of fear and determination. The air grows heavier as Corb lowers his stance, his muscles tensing in preparation.

Without hesitation, Corb charges forward, his greatsword raised high and ready to strike. The weight of his anger propels him, fueling every stride as he barrels toward Todo. Each thunderous hoofstep echoes through the chamber.

Todo's heartbeat quickens, adrenaline surging through his veins. He braces himself, squaring his hooves on the ground, steeling his nerves to prepare before also charging forward at Corb.

As the sword and shield clash in the middle, a pulse of white light bursts around them. The scene unfolds like a vivid memory, transporting them to a time when the bond between the two young boys was still as strong as their blood.

They meet in the middle, their youthful energy fueling their excitement as their heads collide with a binding force, causing them both to stumble and lose their footing. Yet, instead of tears or anger, their shared experience elicits laughter from deep within their hearts.

Todo finds himself sprawled on the dirt-covered ground, momentarily dazed by the impact. His twin brother, Corb, stands triumphantly over him, his fist raised in victory. The gleam of pride shines brightly in his eyes, mirroring the infectious smile that graces his face. A memory that binds them together in a shared history of playful mischief and unspoken understanding.

The light fades as Corb delivers a powerful blow that staggers Todo's stance, overwhelming him with a force he couldn't fully withstand. Todo stumbles, the impact jolting through his body, causing him to stagger back a few steps.

But Todo refuses to back down. Despite the pain surging through his body and the fear in his heart, he straightens himself. His gaze locks with Corb's, and within those eyes, he sees a reflection of his brother's fury.

With another deep breath, Todo raises his shield once more. The weight of the shield feels heavier in his trembling grip, yet he readies himself for the next clash, each heartbeat echoing like a war drum in his ears.

In this moment, Todo's unwavering gaze tries to communicate a silent message to his brother: no matter the pain, no matter the anger, he will stand his ground.

He will fix this.

Corb charges forward again, his greatsword raised to attempt another strike. But Todo swiftly ducks out of the way, narrowly evading the descending blade and racing towards the stairs. As he ascends the stone steps, Todo allows himself a fraction of a second to glance back, ensuring that Corb follows him. With a calculated decision, he channels his remaining energy into maintaining a steady lead, deliberately luring Corb to give chase.

Corb meets his eyes and growls, straightening his shoulders before lowering his stance and racing after him, and Todo turns forward once more to resume running away once his brother follows.

As they race past the empty pedestal, the white light pulses out again, clearing to make way for the sun as it painted the sky in hues of fiery orange, the young boys, Corb and Todo, found themselves amidst the rugged terrain of Kilead's majestic Bacri'Vas Mountains. The winds whipped around them, and the jagged peaks stood to witness the bond that existed between the brothers.

Their eyes alight with determination and a thirst for adventure, they stumbled upon a hidden cave, beckoning them to explore its mysteries without care for the risks. Without hesitation, they ventured forth, their young hearts filled with excitement for the possibilities ahead of them.

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