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tw: panic attack


m a d e l y n

I liked Thanksgiving a lot, mostly because it meant I got to spend all of the Saturday following it with my parents' friend group and their kids. It was tradition for all of us to get together and celebrate a year of things to be grateful for. This year, we were at the Reed family's home as usual.

"He's the cutest little thing ever," I watched as Tasha's five year old little brother, Calian, ran around the backyard while Jake pretended to chase him.

It was an unusually sunny day, and I was glad I was wearing the two piece set I'd bought recently because I was almost certain I'd be feeling hot under the sun if I'd worn anything less breathable.

"Jake or Cal?" my cousin's eyes followed my line of sight and spotted the two.

"Calian," I clarified. "I hope he stays blond, he'll be the only one of us eight."

"Isaac and him really looked like twins until Isaac's hair started going brown," Addie noted, talking about my other cousin, my Aunt Angel's son, Isaac. He was staying with his dad for the holiday in Texas or something.

I nodded. "I'm related to them both, but they aren't related to each other, and somehow, they look more alike than we do. But anyway, I'm just happy your mom let him come."

"Honestly, after the custody stuff, I thought she wouldn't let him come either, but I convinced her. I don't want him to miss all this just 'cause my parents had a nasty divorce," Tasha shared. "I already barely see him since I moved in with my dad, I want to at least spend all the holidays with him."

"We're gonna give him the best damn Thanksgiving yet," I promised, squeezing her hand.

"You bet your ass we will," Addie beamed, hugging her.

"Thanks, guys," Tasha smiled. "I'm so tha—"

Addie clamped her hand over Tasha's mouth. "No, not yet! Save it for tonight or else you won't have anything to share before we eat."

Tasha and I laughed at Addie's overreaction but both agreed she was right.

"What are you three up to?" Nate's hands rested comfortably on my shoulders and he kissed the top of my head.

"Oh, Nate, fuck me already," Tasha mouthed, winking at me before laughing. She'd done the same thing at dinner last night. Thankfully, Nate didn't seem to notice either of her attempts.

I kicked her leg and rolled my eyes. "We're watching Jake and Calian."

"I totally forgot to ask last night, will you guys still be here next week?" Nate asked me to stand so he could sit in my place, and I got comfortable on his lap. "Only Maddie and Jake watched the team destroy the competition yesterday. We have a home game on Thursday, and I got cleared by my doctor to playa again. You should watch."

"Got school, sorry," Tasha replied apologetically.

"I'll come," Addie offered. "I've been meaning to see you and Archer play, and my next campaign doesn't start 'til two weeks from now. I can go as long as I still have my room at the Clarke."

"Lucky you," Nate grinned. "I know the owner's son."

Addie raised an eyebrow. "Really? Just two days ago, I found out one of my best friends is dating him."

"How could you not tell us, Nate?" Tasha complained. "Maddie didn't tell us and you didn't either? What are we to you, chopped liver?"

Nate laughed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We kind of agreed to keep it a secret... from everyone."

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