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I refused to cry any more tears.

My throat was dry as I stepped out of my brother's car, making sure the doors were locked, before waddling to the door. The cool air was nipping at my skin, making me feel even lonelier while I slid the key into the front door and slipped in. I also remembered to send my brother a quick text to let him know I got home safe.

There were still a few lights on at the house, and I could hear muffled words coming from the direction of the kitchen.

I shut the front door slowly, hoping I wouldn't make noise loud enough to catch my parents' attention.

A floorboard betrayed me on the way to the stairs, and my mom called out, "Kids?"

I let out a sigh. I hoped they wouldn't ask about my tears. "It's just me! Archer's spending the night at Nate's house."

"Have ice cream with us, Ams," my dad implored with me. As much as I wanted to say no, doing so would only invite more suspicion. "It's your favorite!"

I took a deep breath in and out before shaking all the emotion out of me and walking to where they were.

"How was your dinner?" I asked them as I poured myself a glass of water. They'd gone out before Archer and I even left for the party. My mom told me they got an early dinner reservation at this fancy place that my dad heard about from my Uncle Levi.

"You'd love it there, honey," my mom smiled. "They hand make their pastas fresh for every order. I should take you there one time, maybe for your birthday. You look great, by the way."

"I'd love that, Mom," I grinned back at her, taking my seat. "And thank you."

"Anyway, enough about the food," my dad interrupted us. "How was the party? Anything interesting happen?"

My dad always loved a good party story.

"Nothing really," I lied. "Someone did jump into the pool in only underwear though."

"Sounds like a high school party," my dad nodded.

"You would know, wouldn't you, Fin?" my mom rolled her eyes, handing me an ice cream cone with a giant scoop of my favorite salted caramel ice cream.

My dad laughed. "Hey, I never did that. Curtis is the one who has ended up in the pool multiple times at parties, not me."

My eyes grew wide. "Uncle Curtis? Like your friend... Curtis Connor? Are we talking about the same person?"

"Believe it or not," my mom shrugged, lounging on her seat as she enjoyed her ice cream. "Curtis probably used all the stupid he had in him as a teenager. You wouldn't think the highly respected Architect Curtis Connor used to test his limits so often at parties he'd stumble around and fall into pools, but he did a few times."

I laughed at my mom's words. "I'm definitely telling Addie about that. She's gonna laugh so hard, she'll never get over it."

"I told Curtis he couldn't be a strict dad if he was such a wildcard in high school," my dad shook his head, laughing.

"It's getting late, babe," my mom kissed my head. "You should get to bed soon, okay? And take that makeup off so you don't break out. I'll be upstairs."

She walked off and left me alone with my dad.

"You going to bed too?" I asked him as I continued to eat my ice cream, munching on the sugary cone.

"I should," he got up. "Grant and I are going golfing tomorrow. You wanna come?"

"Since when did I ever go with you to golf?" I raised an eyebrow at my dad. "I'll pass, still working on my drive. I don't want you and Mr. G to laugh at me."

Secrets and Stolen KissesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon