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m a d e l y n

When Archer and Nate became juniors, they'd gotten into the habit of throwing parties. They got it from their basketball friends.

I was personally not into the idea. Just the thought of having to clean everything up made my skin crawl. I'd been to high school parties, they weren't exactly the neatest.

That's why they only do two a year, one on halloween and another one on the last day of school. Those were the only parties Mr. G approved to be at his house, and he always made sure to be gone, usually on a business trip or a staycation at one of their hotels. Quinn and Jake always went with him.

Any other time the boys invited people over, they made excuses and called it a "hang out" instead. At least then, people weren't allowed in the house and only could stay in the backyard by the pool. They happened in the afternoon, and Nate didn't want Jake to have access to alcoholic drinks.

"All I'm saying is that if Nathan and Andrea weren't a thing, I'd totally ask him out," I overheard as I passed by a group of girls talking in the pool. Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes was playing on the bluetooth speaker beside them. What a throwback. Also, how incredibly fitting.

I couldn't believe they just talked about that so openly, with Andrea possibly within earshot too. But I guess it would be a compliment.

"I know exactly what you mean. Like, look at him. Andrea is so lucky."

Ain't she speaking the truth?

"Seriously, I'm telling you, people say he's amazing in bed, but wow you can't even put it into words," someone gushed.

And that was my cue to stop listening.

"Mimi, can you make sure everything's okay for like ten minutes? There's something going on out front. Arch and I are gonna figure it out before things start to get out of hand," Nate pulled me aside.

"Sure. I got it here, don't worry," I nodded. "Don't get hurt, Dyl."

"Will do," he smiled, walking into the house. "Thank you so much."

I felt a hand tap my shoulder, making me turn around to see who it was.

"Andrea, did you need something? The boys just went out front to settle something really quick. They'll be back soon."

"Oh, no, I don't need anything," she replied.

"Okay... so what's up?" I wondered.

She leaned on one of the bar stools. "I was just wanting to ask you a question."

"Go ahead," I encouraged.

"You and my boyfriend are close, huh?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. We've been best friends since we were kids. The Wires, right?"

"Right," she laughed humorlessly. "Listen, I'm just gonna get straight to the point, I know you're friends, and you're Archer's sister or whatever, but can you learn to keep your distance from my boyfriend?"

Her words made my eyebrows raise up. "I'm sorry, what? Did I hear you right?"

"If you heard me asking you to stay away from Nathan, then yes, you did," she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Um, I—uh, yeah. I'll.. I'll remember that," I nodded, stumbling over my words.

"Good," she smiled. "I'll see you later, Madison."

It was Madelyn, but okay.

I walked off and stared at the pool. I couldn't shake her words off the whole time. Did I seriously just agree to her rude (and honestly, selfish) demand? It's honestly about time I stood up for myself for once.

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