Epilogue of life

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"Dinah,Jubin...come to grandpa"
Two excited children stopped running rings around an exasperated Jimin and ran to their grandpa who hugged them tightly.
"How come they stop for you and not me?" Jimin pouted staring lovingly at his and Jungkooks twins that were four years old .
"Love that's because grandpa spoils them more isn't it kids?" Jungkook said smiling at his son and daughter.
Both angelic looking children nodded.
"I spoil you..." Jimin pouted.
"Papa tells us of too, grandpa doesn't ."
"Hey I'm not the bad guy!" Jimin said
"Papa is nice bad guy, dada is scary bad guy!" Jubin their son said.
"Dad not scary, dada loves Dinah and Jubin" Dinah said.
"That's right my Princess dada loves you both, why am I scary Jubin?"
"Dada make Jubin eat yucky broccoli!"
Jimin giggled," bad dada!"
"Papa will find out just how bad dada can be when grandpa takes these two to his house for sleepover ,"
"Er kids come on let's get you strapped in the car, grandma is making a big cake for you,"
Jungkook helped load the children and their case in the car then he and Jimin waved them off.
"Will they be ok?" Jimin fretted
"Jimin it's two days they will be fine, we need us time too,we haven't been on our own since the kids came."
It was true, they had been married for nearly a year when they put out feelers for adoption.Amazingly quickly they had been contacted by a home about orphaned six months old twins whose parents like Jimins had died in a crash and had no other family. Jimins heart had gone out and so instead of one child they got two.
It was a whole new learning experience for them both, Jimin had fretted when they cried worried he wasn't good enough but Jungkook had taught him to calm down as babies sensed his mood. It was true as soon as Jimin eased up the babies settled.
They had plenty of uncles to help them and soon settled into parental life.
Jimin and Jungkook had found that the children's parents owned a small home. They boxed things up , photos and sentimental items then sold the house putting the money in a trust fund for them both. They would often talk to the children about their' heavenly' parents and would make sure the children knew they were loved. They spoke about how lucky they were to be chosen as their new parents , maybe they didn't understand at such a young age but they didn't want to hide anything from them.
"I suppose I should give the house a good clean," Jimin muttered looking around at toys on the floor.
Jungkook looked at him as if he was dumb.
"Are you kidding?"
"No kids..., means I can fuck you hard and hear you scream!"
He stalked towards Jimin who backed away..
"Kookie...,no, the house is a mess, there's washing to do...Kookie!!!"
He shrieked as jungkook picked him up throwing him over his shoulder and running upstairs.
He stripped them both and lay on the bed. Jimin was face down giggling as Jungkook kissed along his neck.
"This one's for me baby," he growled as he lay over Jimin thrusting inside holding Jimins arms.
"Ahhh Kookie....!"
Jimin liked when Jungkook controlled him.., the other was thrusting so hard he moved them up the bed.
"I wanna ride you ...," Jimin moaned so his husband rolled onto his back watching the other as he straddled him, sinking down onto him.
Jungkook gripped Jimins member as he rocked up and down, teasing his slit and hearing the others erotic whimpers.
"That's it baby ride me hard..."
Minutes later Jungkook felt the familiar thrill building up,
He gripped Jimins hips bucking upwards and hitting that sensitive spot inside Jimin, setting him off.
"Kookieeeeeee!!!" He screamed releasing across the others stomach.
"Fuuuuuuuck!!" Jungkook groaned as he came hard.
Jimin flopped onto his husbands chest.
"Eugh! Sticky,"
"Get used to it baby, today is going to be a very sticky day........."
Hours later both lay in the Bath , Jimin lay back against Jungkook.
"I just want to say.....I mean I know you know... but.... well...."
"What is it love?"
"I want to let you know I love you so much, your everything to me...I'm so glad I met you."
Jungkook turned Jimins face to him to give him a deep kiss.
"Baby, your my life, my first thought in the morning and last one at night, our children are the luckiest alive to have you as a parent,"
Jimin turned completely around kissing his husband lovingly and deeply soon building a need in both of them.
"Ah, Jiminah we are suppposed to be cleaning ourselves," he gasped as Jimin sank down on him.
"Baths are highly overrated ," Jimin smirked," there's always the shower.

The End

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