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Jimin got more nervous as he was wired up, could he pull this off?
"Hey calm down," Eunwoo said kindly
"The other people did they wear a wire?"
"Two did but they couldn't get him to indicate that he had done wrong, he was blasé with it saying a lot off what ifs and maybes."
Jimin nodded, they had suggested some lines he could use, but Jimin wanted to test the waters see if he could make him talk in some other way.
"Right we can't drop you off outside as it may look suspicious, so we will drop you off about three blocks away."
Jimin nodded, he'd been told that undercover police were already in the bar.
He was dropped off and started walking he knew the area as Jin and Namjoons place was this way.
As if he'd conjured them up a car stopped next to him.
"Jimin! How are you?"
"Oh,er hi guys I'm fine thanks, just off to meet someone at a bar."
"Jump in and we will take you,@ Namjoon said.
"No! I mean it's ok I'm enjoying the fresh air,"
"Oh ok...., you sure your ok? You look a little tense?" Jin asked.
"No I'm fine, you better get going too you'll be late to work..."
"Oh damn.., ok pop in sometime, bye!"
They drove  off and Jimin sighed in relief, he didn't want his friends caught up in this.
He carried on walking his heart beating faster the nearer he got. He took a deep breath and walked into the bar......
Jungkook looked at his ingredients, he was sure he had forgotten something.
He wanted this meal to be perfect ,it was rare for Jimin to instigate a meeting, come to think of it, it was odd, but he was happy he had.
Looking at the ingredients again he sighed got his phone and rang Jin.
"Hey Kook...., no no heat the oil up then put the meat in....,sorry new idiot I've employed...,what can I do for you?"
Jungkook told him what he wanted to cook and read out the ingredients he had,
"What's missing,I can't think...."
"Duh,sesame seed oil,your not normally forgetful, who you cooking for? Someone special?"
"Jimin is coming here,"
"Jimin? We saw him not long ago he said he was meeting someone at a bar."
"What? No your mistaken,"
"Nope we offered him a lift and he looked quite shifty, eager to go,"
"What bar?"
"Euphoria I think..,"
"Thanks bye Jin,"
Jungkook rang Eunwoos work number.
"Hello?" A voice said who was definitely not Eunwoo.
"Layla can you put Eunwoo on?"
"Jungkook hi, how are you!Eunwoo is with your friend,"
"I know that's why I'm calling, put him on will you...."
"I can't, I told you he's with your friend, they're trying to catch that bastard tonight."
Jungkook froze, "t-tonight?"
"Yer,well once Jimin told them he'd arranged to meet him tonight at six it was all systems go, did you forget?"
"Huh.....,oh  yer er bar Euphoria wasn't it ?"
"Mmm, now I gotta go, short staffed here because of this.See ya!"
The phone call ended,jungkook was angry and afraid. How dare they leave him out of this.Jimin had lied by omission , not telling him!! He  felt fear go through him as if something was going to happen. He grabbed his car keys and left.
Jimin was sitting in a booth looking at the man across from him.
He remembered seeing this man once before when he had gone to his parents house.
This man was getting into a car as he got out of his.he had stared at Jimin then smirked before driving off.  When he'd asked his father who he was he had been told' just someone who had business dealings with someone he knew and had then talked about something else.
"Mr Park, happy now?"
"You insisted on seeing me..."
"Oh yer..., let's not beat about the bush, I don't owe you a single penny."
"As I showed you in the letter your father..."
"Never signed that or the previous form you showed me when I started paying...., you doctored it."
"And what makes you think that after you paid all that money ?"
"Because in a fucking accountant who was so full of grief at the time I never checked I just assumed it was above board, now though I'm certain you've lied about the whole thing, your a fraud!"
"Really and what makes you think I'll let you off the hook.?"
"Well how are you going to make me? Maybe I should just go to the police?"
The man suddenly sat with a cold expression on his face.
"Now that wouldn't be wise should  I explain why?"
Yes thought Jimin but just to provoke him more he said,
"I'm not scared of you, your just a little man with ideas of power!"
The man slammed his hand down on the table,
"You stupid boy ..., I have more power than you know, yes I changed the loan agreement, because I could , because your father had picked a great deal but wouldn't let me have shares in it, he thought he was loaning from three different companies and the premiums he got back from  his investment were amazing, he'd paid most of the loan of already, I couldn't have that so I arranged for your parents to have a little accident...,such a shame.., then I forged documents and you..., you were so eager to clear their name you never checked who bought the investment. All that money you should have had is mine!"
"You murdered my parents,you fucking piece of scum,"
"Haha,they weren't the first or the last,I rule by fear,not many work for me I just control everyone by fear!!"
"Not anymore you piece of shit your reign of terror is over!"
"Really what your going to stop me?I know your bosses name your friends names a little accident could happen to anyone of them..."
That was it Jimin leapt up flying across the table and punching the man in the face over and over.
The bar erupted, some men came to help their boss but were stopped by the undercover police.
The boss was now gripping hold of Jimin hitting him and trying to strangle him, Jimin kicked him hard and the man's hand was flung away but not before ripping Jimins shirt revealing the wire.
Boiling anger could be seen in the others face he pulled a gun out.
As if in slow motion Jimin heard his name yelled, it was Jungkook shouting for him to come to him just like in his dream, only he saw the man look from Jimin to Jungkook and turn his Gun on the other . Jungkook looked frozen on the spot in shock and Jimin pushed himself up with all his remaining strength and ran towards his Kookie.
A loud bang reverberated and he saw Jungkook reach out, had he been hit? Then he realised as pain burned through him and he coughed up blood, he felt himself falling, he heard Jungkook scream out as more shots sounded then he slumped down as darkness took him over.

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