Be afraid of mad Jungkook

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Three weeks and Jimin felt he'd made the worst mistake ever.
Not only did he lie to Jungkook saying he was in the consumer industry so just worked long shifts for a few days as he could work' online ', he also hated how the bio members thought he was a piece of meat they could touch whenever they wanted.
He'd frequently had to bat away hands that gripped his ass, doing it with a smile but hating it.
His area had become popular , his boss was happy at the drinks people had bought and kept an eye on Jimin feeling protective of the small male, wondering why he chose to work in a place like his.
The only time Jimn was happy was when he sang in the restaurant. Namjoon and Jin were pleased to see him there and Jimin was happy around his friends.
Because of his weird working hours Jimn told Jungkook not to cook for him anymore assuring the other he ate with his workmates.
Today was Sunday , jimin got up tiredly, by the time he got in from work  it was nearly one o'clock .
He cleaned the house, jungkook was still asleep.
The doorbell rang and he answered it.
A dark haired immaculate looking woman stood there.
"Hello can I help you?"
The woman stared at Jimin frowning," have I met you before?"
"Um I don't think so, are you hear to see Jungkook?"
"You call your boss Jungkook?" She sneered looking at the apron Jimin wore while cleaning.
"I um..."
"Marie, what are you doing here?"
Jungkooks raspy sleep voice sounded behind them.
She brushed past Jimin," jungkook did you forget, you said weeks ago you would go to lunch with me to my parents..."
"Oh yer, I'll shower and dress, I need to talk to your dad anyway."
"Baby, we can spend time together too,I came in a taxi so you can drive."
"Sure wait in the sitting room."
He disappeared, Jimin was about to go to his own room but...,
"You get me some water!"
Jimin nodded fetching a glass and coming back passing it to her.
"So you work here?"
"Yes miss."
"Why do you look familiar...?"
Jimin thought maybe she had seen pictures of his parents when it was a newsworthy item but he just shrugged and excused himself.
Going into his room he wondered why he felt upset at the girls presence but then ignored the feeling he cleaned his own room then when he heard the car go collected Jungkooks Laundry and his washing and drying it then ironing it before hanging it up it was late afternoon as he was sprawled on his bed that he heard a car coming back then the front door slamming, his room door then slammed open and an angry Jungkook stood there.
"Do you know how embarrassing it was to have my housemate talked about?"
"Eating lunch with Marie's parents when Marie broke out laughing saying she remembered where she had seen you,"
"I told you it wasn't good of me to live here because of my parents.."
"Your parents?it's you..., all this innocent behaviour when your in a bar whoring yourself!!"
"She had a video one of her gay friends had sent asking what she thought of this man in a bar he goes to and guess who it was..., you getting your ass groped."
"It's not like that,"
"Oh yer? You told me you worked for a consumer group,"
"I-it is, I'm just a waiter in the bio area."
"Just a waiter dressed in a see thru shirt, do you get extra for allowing dirty old men to grasp your ass or more??"
"I don't I'm not...."
Jungkook suddenly lunged at him pinning him to the bed,
"You so desperate? I'll pay you.., how much for every fuck you get??"
Jungkook crushed his lips down on the others invading his mouth and running his hands over the others body.
"Stop it! Get off!!"
"What I'm not good enough, you like variety? I offered you a job in my building but no you prefer this, I really took you as the innocent you pretended to be..., maybe I should get my proper payment."
He kissed down Jimins neck putting his hands under Jimins shirt grinding his hardened crotch against the others.
He became so turned on by the others body that he didn't realise Jimin was crying until he went to kiss his face again then he saw Jimins tears and how he was shaking.
"Fuck!" He muttered getting off the other male.
Jimin just lay there sobbing then.
"I'm not whoring myself I'm just serving drinks,the boss keeps them off me..."
Running his fingers through his own hair jungkook spoke,
"So why take that job not mine?"
"It paid well and you have given me enough already, do you know how degrading it is to feel an imposition on someone? I spent a day going around looking for jobs, nobody would employ me just that bar. You think I enjoy the long hours? Dirty old men trying to get off with me? No but I shut it off, I remember I'm paying off a debt, how I feel doesn't matter I'm nothing people are owed money."
"Jimin i..."
Jimin stared blankly at the other," just so you know, I've only ever been kissed by you, I'm a virgin, I know I'm not up to your standard so don't worry I won't bug you,but ok I'll take a job at your firm and give up the other, I didn't intend to make you embaressed, I'll contact the boss, let me know when I can start work."
He turned on his side away from Jungkook and closed his eyes putting an end to the conversation.
"I'm sorry Jimin,I don't know what came over me...."
"Tell your girlfriend to get her facts straight first..."
Jungkook left sorrowfully unable to explain to himself why he had got so angry.
He went to his study ringing Hobi,
"Jungkook what's up?"
"What office jobs are available?"
"I want a job for Jimin...."
"Hmmm, we'll Tae could do with some help in accounting, your acquiring more stuff and he's fed up of Suga complaining about how late he is home,"
"Why didn't he say? I don't want a grumpy Suga coming at me!"
"He didn't want to disappoint ,Jimin would be ideal didn't you say he was supposed to be in accounting?"
"Yer, ok then give him a Monday to Friday contract usual terms and tell Namjoon he won't be working evenings there."
"Ok, starting tomorrow ?"
"Yeh he will come in with me,"
"Ok I'll get it sorted,"
"Thanks Hobi, sorry to bother you"
Jungkook put the. Phone down drumming his fingers on the desk.
He was ashamed of his behaviour and wanted to make it up to the other,  he went towards the kitchen to cook a meal for them both only to find Jimin getting some water. He jumped nervously as Jungkook  came towards him, his crescent eyes darting towards a way out.
Jungkook sighed carefully hugging the smaller.
"I can't apologise enough Jimin for my behaviour, that butch Marie made it out like you were getting paid for favours, I shouldn't have believed her I should have gone with my own instincts, I'm sorry for scaring you."
Jimin looked up seeing the others discomfort, he wasn't vindictive so he patted Jungkooks back.
"It's ok, I suppose the evidence looked that way, although I don't understand why you kissed me if you thought I was.., you know...., used goods."
Jungkook stepped back," I don't think of you like that, as for the kissing....., maybe I just like you a lot."
"Right!" Jimin snorted,now I know your lying he giggled.
About to contradict him Jungkook stopped himself.
"I um have an accounting job in my firm, you'll be working with my friend Tae,Monday to Friday but you stop singing at the restaurant, the job is well paid."
"Really? Your sure, I don't want you getting a bad reputation,"
"I'm sure and Jimin this one person you owe money to, who is it and how much?"
Jimin mumbled the name and amount under his breath.
"Can't hear you write it down."
"Why?" Jimin whined
"I'll pay the debt off then you repay me without interest constantly being added"
"You'd do that?"
"Of course,"
"That means I can pay it quicker and once I've paid you I can put in the paper that all debts incurred by my parents have been cleared, maybe I won't be shunned as much?"
"I can do that once I pay them as theoretically the debts paid they don't need to know your paying me."
Jimin bit his plump lip drawing Jungkooks eyes to him.
"Will that really be ok?"
"Sure it will, now let's celebrate, I'll cook then you sleep ready for the morning, your coming to work with me."
Jimin nodded happily and if he went to bed thinking of how Jungkooks hard body had pressed against his and how although scared he'd liked how turned on the other was, he could be allowed that wayward thought couldn't he.

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