Treading carefully

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Jungkook was surprised how those tears affected him, he'd thought the other might tell him off for starting a makeout session but he was more concerned about losing his job.
"I quit and you said I couldn't now I've been fired from my other job and you tell me I'm fired too? I knew you wouldn't like the rumours,I've tried really hard to make up for what my parents did but it's never enough,I'm sorry but I will get a job quickly to pay you back for the clothes I'm going to wear when I leave, you can keep the others send them back I could never pay for all of them, now if you'll excuse me I will go."
"Your so full of pride aren't you? The clothes are all yours they will just get thrown out if you don't have them... and where would you go with no shoes or home?"
"T-there's a homeless shelter on the outskirts of town, it wouldn't be the first time I've used it....."
"You don't have to, the room your using here is supposed to be for a cook or maid, I don't use them but your welcome to stay there."
"Why are you being like this to a total stranger? I don't understand?"
Jungkook stared down at the male admitting to himself that this was unlike him.
"You intrigue me,"
"Me? I'm just ordinary?"
Jungkook brushed a thumb over those pouty lips making Jimins eyes widen.
"I don't think you could ever be ordinary......"
For minutes they stared at each other then a crashing boom of thunder was heard. Jimin visibly shook wanting to hide.
Jungkook wrapped him in his strong arms,
"You really hate storms don't you?"
"They are so loud and scary."
"Hmmm, you should try and sleep."
But Jimin didn't move.
Jungkook sighed reaching down and swinging Jimin into his arms carrying him upstairs and into his room.
"W-what are you doing?i-I'm not having sex with you!!"
Jungkook laughed," wait until your asked and if we ever do you'll be begging me for it, now get into bed so we can sleep, in the morning I'll talk about another job offer but now I'm tired, so sleep!"
Jimin had been put in his place, he crawled into the bed laying rigid. The other side dipped then a sigh was heard before a hand reached over pulling him against a warm body and spooning him. Despite his fears he fell into a deep restful sleep.
Stretching as he woke up Jimin didn't want to wake up from his blissful sleep but a noise made his eyes open.
Jungkook was stepping from his bathroom with just a towel around his waist.
"Oh your awake.."
Jimin just gaped at the view he had.
Jungkook stood smirking arms crossed against his magnificent abs.
"You only have to ask you know,"
"Your looking at me like a starving man, I'm available..."
"S-stop it,I'll go to my room..."
Jimin got out of the bed walking to the door.
"About a job,I can find one in my company..."
"I can find my own,"
"Ok,but I take back my firing, you can sing at the restaurant on Wednesdays and Fridays,unless a new job comes that means you don't need two jobs?"
"Same hours?"
"Seven til eleven..."
"Ok I accept."
"But you stay here,"
"I agree to stay until I have enough for a deposit on a new place."
"Ok but I have to vet the place before you do and I give you one week to find a job otherwise you take me up on my"
"Right I have to go to work the week starts from tomorrow, rest today...."
He turned to his closet letting Jimin leave.
Twenty minutes later and Jimin heard a car leaving. He went to the kitchen and found a note and some keys with a note.
Here's the house keys the red tagged one is for the back door near your room.
Rest up today
When you go job hunting make sure it's not for an asshole like last time.
Jimin gave a faint smile then went to Jungkooks room taking a pair of shoes to wear stuffing them with tissue to make them fit better,then grabbing his keys he left the house, Jungkook wouldn't know he'd gone out he'd make sure he was back in good time.
Five hours later and Jimin was tired of getting No for an answer. He tried upping his game to enquire at more reputable offices but as soon as he said his name he was declined.
There didn't seem to be much office work around and Jimin felt seriously defeated.
He roamed the streets looking in windows. A club was blasting out music Jimins head turned at the sound and on the wall by the door he saw they wanted staff.
He walked inside and asked a staff member how he applied.
"I'm the manager,I hear your looking for a job ?"
"Erm yes,what is going?"
"Hmm,we'll I want someone to work in the vip area,serving drinks,your cute to look at I'm sure my customers will like you,I provide the workwear."
"What hours is it?"
One til one , on whatever days you work ,I pay xxxx an hour"
Jimin gasped that was better than his office work .
"I would just serve drinks?"
"Yes and be friendly of course,"
"Ok, I can do Monday, Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays ."
"Fine, start tomorrow it's Tuesday, let's get you your workwear."
He took Jimin off to a storage cupboard handing him two shirts.
"You wear these with black trousers ok? Be here by twelve thirty tomorrow,"
Jimin thanked him and left, stopping at a charity shop to buy himself some black shoes then  making his way back to Jungkooks . He would tell the other or leave a note tomorrow to say he had job, but maybe just say it was in the  consumer business not a bar waiter.
He remembered to put Jungkooks shoes back in his room.
He lay down on his own  bed when he got in and that's where Jungkook found him when he got back..
Jungkook looked at the sleeping boy and then went up to his room placing his suit jacket on a hanger and then saw a pair of shoes looking dusty. Had he not noticed before? He made a mental note to himself to clean them then went to his kitchen cooking up a feast.
When it was done he knocked on Jimins door,
"Come eat I've made some food"
Jimin wandered out with sleep hair and rosy face, he looked at Jungkook,
"Thank you, I'll take it to my room and leave you in peace."
"Don't be silly, sit down with me."
Jimin climbed into a stool and picked a small amount of food from the bowls.
Jungkook sighed and dished up more onto Jimins plate.
They ate in silence.
Jimin felt full, he puffed out a sigh,
"That was so much but very tasty, you don't need to get me food."
"I'm eating it makes sense to eat together."
"But it's wrong, you are or were my boss, I'm lodging in your house and we haven't worked out the rent, you've bought me shitloads of clothes and...we'll really I'm a stranger to you!"
"Just call me eccentric, I do what I want."
"Well can you write a rental contract out, we should get it in writing so nobody gets confused."
"It's my home, who's likely to get confused?"
"Well maybe your girlfriend will wonder why a stranger is in her boyfriends home?"
"Girlfriend or boyfriend?"
"Erm whomever "
"Ok how about this, you can stay if you clean and do laundry?"
"That's silly that room is worth more than that!"
"Not if it's left empty, your doing me a favour."
Jungkook got a piece of paper and wrote.
"I agree to let Park Jimin use the spare room rent free in exchange for doing cleaning and laundry"
He signed and dated  it then underneath wrote
"I park Jimin agree to this"
Passing it over to Jimin to sign.
Jimin looked at him frustrated but Jungkook just stood there arms crossed against his chest.
Jimin signed then took the dishes washing them up.
"I'm going to my room, I have to.., um job hunt tomorrow, I'll clean first and do the laundry."
Jungkook had wanted more time with the small male, he found himself enjoying his company but could see by Jimins face that he needed to tread carefully.
"Ok but your a qualified person get a decent job right?"
"Er yer, sure."
"Oh Jimin one more thing...., "he disappeared coming back with a box.
"You'll need shoes,"
Jimin thanked him then disappeared.
He checked he had black trousers for the job tomorrow and took out the shirts he'd been given.
"Hmm a bit see thru..." he thought.
He washed up and went to sleep, tomorrow he was in charge of his own life again.

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