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Jimins head ached, he could hear voices around him and wondered why it was noisy
He lifted his eyelids squinting as bright lights dazzled him.
It looked like he was in the emergency department of a hospital. People were rushing around madly as if something had happened.
He turned his head," mr Kwong?"
"Ah you have been out for an hour or more, our whole building collapsed, neighbours were helping to get people out."
"What...? Oh the storm!!oh my goodness is everyone ok?"
"No....,Mrs Lee on top floor passed away and some man , nobody is sure who he is."
"Some man?........what did he look like?"
"About your age good looking...never seen him before."
Jimin started shaking, it couldn't be could it?
"W-was he in a suit?"
"Yes I think so...,do you know him?"
"Oh god...,it's my fault....., I got him killed...., oh god his friends....,I can't face them......."
Jimin sat up ,he was still in the clothes he'd changed into, he had a bandage in his head another n his arm,plus the one Jungkook put on. Thinking of the other made his stomach roll with nausea, he'd got an innocent man killed.
He stood up as a nurse came up.
"I need to go..."
"I'm sorry sir you may have concussion, we have to observe you."
"It doesn't matter I will discharge myself....,I don't want to waste anyone's time."
"Sir please get back on the bed, I need to get an I've drip in you the doctor says your very anaemic."
Jimin sat on the edge of the bed pretending to agree, once she disappeared he stood up again slipping his feet into the hospital slippers he turned to Mr Kwong.
"I hope you recover well, please tell the nurse thank you but I'm not worth helping."
"Jimin wait!"
Jimin disappeared sneaking out while people dashed around busily.
He hobbled out tears pouring down his face, he hid behind a stone pillar when he saw Namjoon and Jin running in.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I got your friend killed."
He wandered off, not knowing where he was going and uncaring about it, he felt deep remorse for the person he'd only met tonight who had lost their life by being kind to him. The rain still fell and Jimin walked into the darkness.
"Will you two stop fussing it's literally just a scratch,Jimin was hurt worse, let's go find him."
Namjoon and Jin nodded  at Jungkook and they all walked out of the quiet private patient area into the hustle and bustle of the emergency dept,
"Excuse me nurse,Park Jimin where is he?"
"Oh follow me I'm going there now he has to have this drip."
The three walked with the nurse stopping when she did.
"Oh...,where is he...?"
The bed was empty.
"Ah nurse Jimin went, he was upset about something,somebody died and he said it's his fault."
"Who died?"
"Oh I don't know his name, but Jimin seemed to recognise him once I said he was young wearing a suit and I'd never seen him in the building."
"Shit!!" Jungkook said.
"What's up Jungkook?"
"He thinks it's me, I gave him a lift home I was with him as the building tumbled,I managed to get him out before he got hurt anymore."
"Why think it's you though?"
"Duh, I'm wearing a suit ,I've never been there before.....?"
"Damn,where would he go?"
"Well he can't go home if it's not there and it's raining still."
"Hey Mr, he seemed a bit confused with that bang on the head,kept saying he wasn't worth saving."
"I've got my car I brought him here in it, I should have stayed here instead of letting them put me in the other ward....."
"Where will you look?"
"I don't know...., back along the route to his place?"
"Ok,let us know if you find him..."
They all left the hospital,Jungkook got into his car seeing the photo frame on the floor that Jimin had gone back to get...., a piece of the ceiling had knocked him out cold,Jungkook had picked him up getting scratched by falling debris,he'd put the unconscious boy in his car and driven to the hospital, letting Jimin be wheeled off while a doctor recognising him had hurriedly taken him to another place because blood from a scratch was running down his arm!
He sneered to himself, people always put money before lives, just because of donations he'd made he'd been placed in an obviously made for monied people area,he just might ask in the future why there was this hierarchy in the place, that's not what he'd wanted when donating!
Jimin was soaked for the second time that night or should he say early morning? He had no idea what the time was as he'd stumbled along,he had automatically walked 'home' and here he squatted hugging his knees looking across at the fallen building that was now cordoned off with emergency workers searching the rubble.
He sat tears running down his face,sorry pouring out of his mouth as he held his knees tightly,cold going through to his bones but nothing like the chill in his heart.
Jungkook pulled up nearby looking at the house then around nearly missing the small figure squatted on the floor swaying slightly.
Getting out he walked quickly over squatting down......."Jimin?"
A pale face with puffy eyes gazed up barely focusing.
"B-boss?have you come to haunt me now?"
"Jimin why are you here?"
"I didn't mean for you to die........,I didn't know it was going to happen it's all my fault,....it's always my fault, my parents died too because of me,.....they were in there way to my place they rang to say they should have listened to me about money and they were coming over to discuss it but they were killed....,if I hadn't of got my own place I would have been at home with them, they wouldn't have been in the car......., I've tried so hard to clear their debts and their name, I sold everything I had but I can't do it......, I'm so tired of it......, I should have died not you......., it's all my fault....."
Jimin suddenly coughed the effects of two soakings getting to him.
"Jimin come on I'll take you home,"
Jimin giggled slightly hysterically," I can see you and hear you but I know your not real, it's because I want you to be real isn't it so that would mean I didn't get you killed......, I'm selfish I don't want anyone to call me out on your death...., I'm so tired,tired of everything....., maybe if I fall asleep here I may never wake up........"
"I'm real Jimin I'm not dead your confused...."
"Hah! Your pretending like me,your just in my imagination ...., if your real you can give me my first and last kiss pffft! What do you say to that my imaginary friend?!??"
Jimin suddenly felt himself enveloped in strong arms with a pair of determined lips fastened on his,undeniable heat ran through his body and he was shaken back to reality.When he thought he'd run out of air the lips were removed .
"Is that real enough for you?or do you have something else to say before we go?"
"Oh shit...!" Was all Jimin managed before he gave into the welcoming blackness.

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