4.1 The fourth season

Start from the beginning

you said that already
fifteen mins ago
you miss me that much already? ;)


I do not




wipe that pout away
or else
im going to come kiss you


ill wait for you then ;)


nah, im tired
i will do it tmrw
btw i just wanted to tell you again
I love you
now say it back


i love you too min


im learning how to use words
you know im not good with them
like you are
I'm sorry if im awkward at times


that's okay hyung!
just do what feels natural
like you told me


yea, i guess so


and btw
i have insecurities as well
you know it
like i have no idea how to be a boyfriend, yk?
i have no experience
im learning still
so, i hope im doing good enough
and if im not, you gotta tell me


you are perfect the way you are
you dont have to do anything
trust me on that


ahhh okay
i trust you


but hey, im gonna head to bed soon
and read some more
yk, chemistry is a subject straight from hell
so, have a good night
dream of me ;)


i most definitely wil



Ah, here I go again. Mourning about my own life.

Mom says I should feel happy, grateful, that I have a roof over my head. Happiness isn't only that. I think it's more mental, emotional, than just concrete and physical.

Happiness can be simple yet so complicated. It's subjective as well, I think.

Mom wouldn't understand. She spent his childhood in a broken home, in a broken family. She got broken as well, until she left. Mom has never understood me that well. I don't know if moms should know their children by heart but my mom definitely doesn't know me. She knows nearly nothing about me.

I mean, for her, I'm just a son. For her, I'm not a human being who feels, make mistakes and learns from them. For her, I'm not a human being who knows moral, has a heart and my own opinions.

At least, that's how it feels sometimes.

Minho's story is different than mine. Sometimes, I'm envious of him and I have a good reason for it.

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