Trust - Su x Reader

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Requested by itonashi.


"Dr. (L/N), you should head home and rest."

"I will. After I finish." You replied without lifting your eyes off the documents in your hand. Questions began to swarm your already fatigued mind. Why is he still here? Hasn't everyone gone home for the day? How long have you been here? You glanced at the clock for a brief moment before returning to your paperwork. Too long apparently. "You don't need my permission to be dismissed, Dr. Su."

A look of concern encompasses the man's face, something you missed due to your attention being elsewhere. The doctor didn't make a move to leave. He just stood there, waiting like he didn't have anything better to do. A minute passed. Then another. It wasn't long before five minutes passed and still, his presence remained. You sighed and set your documents down.

"Is there something you need?" You asked.

You did not look at him and instead raised a hand to your head. A sign of your exhaustion, something that did not go unnoticed by the male before you.

"I think you should take the evening off." He advised, causing you to twitch.

This was not the first time he confronted you about this problem of yours. It certainly would not be the last. Still, must he worry unnecessarily? It's not like anything bad has happened as a result of your negligence. Of course, Su decides to prove you wrong by explaining to you the eventual consequences should you continue trekking such a path.

"Sleep deficiency can lead to a series of health problems. As a doctor, I'm sure you are aware of this." He's not wrong. Sleep deficiency puts you at risk to many chronic health problems. Some you do not wish to name or catch. Su glances at the papers stacked on your desk. "The documents can wait."

'Is it just me or does it look like he wants to incinerate my papers?' When you blinked, the look was gone like it was never there in the first place.

You paused to consider the scene in front of you once more. A sigh escapes your lips. Your lack of sleep must be getting to you if you are starting to imagine things. Perhaps you do need to take a break.

"... I suppose the documents can wait." You conceded before asking him. "Why are you still here?"

"It took me longer than I thought to update my patient's medical records," Su explains. A part of you wanted to call him out on that lie because it never takes him long to complete his paperwork, but you decided against that idea. You were much too tired to scold the man for telling such a blatant lie. "I think it would be best if I take you home myself given that you are in no shape to drive yourself. The last thing we want is for you to get into an accident."

As much as you hate to admit it, Su is right. With how exhausted you are, driving is the last thing you should be doing. Therefore, it would be ideal to have someone take you home. Still, does he have to say it like that?

"Dr. (L/N)?" You looked up to find Su at the door. At what point did he move? "Shall we be going?"

"... Just let me grab my things."


"Dr. Su will be working under you, (Y/N) so be nice to him."

HONKAI IMPACT 3RD x FEM! READER ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now