Matchmaker At Play - Kosma x Reader

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Requested by Sentieence.


Kosma wanted to believe that you were still awake, but the clock sitting on his desk told him that the probability of that being true was quite low. Given the time, you were likely fast asleep and would not appreciate him waking you up at this time. Despite that, Kosma still made the conscious decision to call you. His call is answered in a matter of seconds.


You didn't sound as though you had just woken up, but he couldn't be too sure.

"It's me." Kosma looks down at his lap where his clenched hand remains. "I'm sorry if I woke you up."

"You couldn't have picked a better time. I was just about to take a break when you called. Those math equations were starting to make my head spin." Kosma couldn't stop the smile from spreading on his face. He loved hearing you talk. It made him feel like he could forget his troubles. "So what's up? I assume you have a reason for calling me this late?"

His body tenses. That's right. He was calling to tell you something. Kosma almost forgot due to how easily distracted he was to you. You were truly his only weakness.

"Kosma?" And so was your voice.

"I'm here." He could hear your relief. "I was just... thinking."

"Oh?" You sounded intrigued. "A penny for your thought?"

You were giving him the chance to talk, he realized. How do you always know?

"I... won't be able to make it." He started. "To the movies I mean."

There was a silence on the other line. Kosma begins to fiddle with the drawstring of his sweater.

"Can I ask why?" You asked.

You didn't sound upset which helped lessen his nerves.

"I have to watch Griseo that day." He explained. "Everyone is busy that day and I was the only one who could fill in on short notice."

"I see... That's too bad." You were sad by the news. "I was hoping we could go watch the movie together."

"I'm sorry." He really was.

Kosma felt bad for letting you down. The two of you had made plans and everything, only for them to get canceled because of unexpected events.

"It's okay." You knew he meant well. "Maybe next time."

Kosma could feel the conversation coming to an end, but he didn't want to leave it on a bad note so he decided to say the first thing that came to mind which was:

"Maybe we can watch Griseo together?" The words tumble out of his mouth before he can stop them. "That way we can spend time with each other while also watching over Griseo."

There was dead silence and Kosma was beginning to regret his life choices.

"Won't I be intruding?"

To say that your reaction didn't surprise him would be a lie. He was surprised but in a good way.

"I'm sure Eden would be fine with the arrangement. You're my friend after all."

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