Individuality - Kevin Kaslana x Reader

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You hated the fact that you and MEI were twins. Perhaps when you were a small hatchling, you would have disagreed. However, the fully grown bird was anything but a child or a hatchling. Children grow up and your view on the concept of 'identical twins' has evolved. At first, it was all fun and games, but it became overbearing as the years pass.

You weren't as brilliant as your sister. You were anything but promising and that fact weighed on you like an anchor, pulling you deeper into the pits of the sea where no escape would be possible.

"MEI is such a star student. She's always on top. Compared to that other one..."

People enjoy preying on the weak. They pick out several differences between you and your sister like it was a game and their goal was to make you know those distinctions. You grew to despise the fact that you two were twins, identical no less. It was like the two of you were products, one was flawless while the other had slight but eye-catching imperfections. It was an unending cycle of torment for you.

Although you had your own set of academic achievements, your sister always surpassed you. It made you wonder if you were born to endure this undeniable fact. Your sister and you grew distant as the years passed. People may see it as growing up, but to you, it was inevitable that you two would break apart. She had a future whereas you had nothing. It was those incessant words that continue to remind you of the unchanging and clear truth, that you would never be acknowledged for your achievements, not while the carbon copy of you exists to prevent it so.

Your world soon turns bleak. You lived your life without a shred of care, just drifting along like a paper boat with no destination in mind, allowing the current to guide you. It continued that way until an annoying prince begins his quest to find his princess.


You had been taking your daily walk around the school when a boy around your age and grade, came up to you, with a basketball tucked under his arm, and asked for you. He had said something like 'Hey— Umm, the girl with the purple hair! Wait!" You turned and watched as the white-haired male catch up to you, running as if his life depended on it.

When he was within earshot, he smiles and greets you. "I'm Kevin. You're (Y/N), right?"

The bright smile adorned on the fool's face made you falter. You've never seen such an expression on anyone's face before, least of all directed at you. He looked so free, without a shred of worry for what life had in store for him. Instantly, your bias clouded your impression of the male. A frown makes its way onto your face.

"Sorry." You weren't in the mood for chit-chat so you lied to the boy "You've mistaken me for my sister."

Lying became easier as predators try to pry their way into your sister's social circle, but it was the first time you had to lie about your identity. Most students ask for Mei, not you.

"Really?" You bob your head and shift your foot, ready to leave when he spoke again. "But I'm sure I got the right person."

You stared at him with furrowed brows.

"After all, (Y/N) always walks this path during lunchtime."

His statement stupefied you. His words fly to the back of your head when you notice the crowds of students whispering to one another. Not wanting to draw any more attention, you turn away from the male, dismissively and glared at him from over your shoulder.

HONKAI IMPACT 3RD x FEM! READER ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now