Acceptance - Yandere Mobius x Reader

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Requested by _Elen-_.


Her obsession with you began when you first introduced yourself to her.

"You're Mobius, right? I've heard a lot about you! I'm (Y/N) (L/N), but you can call me (Y/N)." You put forth a cheerful smile that made her frigid nature falter. "You're different from what I imagined."

For some reason, she took offense to your words. Her lips twist into a frown. "Different how?"

Immediately you waved your hands, feeling that there was some misunderstanding.

"Oh! It's nothing bad. I just heard from someone that you were... umm... how should I put it..?" You closed your eyes, thinking of a good adjective to use, and open your eyes when you found the word you were looking for. "Invested. Yeah, invested in your work!"

Is that so? Good. The green-haired scientist felt usually relieved. She paused. Why do I care about how this annoying girl perceives me?

She eliminates the unnecessary thoughts forming in her head and found you still there, staring at her with memorization. It was almost like how she is when she acquires a new specimen to dissect. Immersed almost obsessed. Obsessed...

"Do I have something on my face?" She asked.

You shook your head. "No, I'm just admiring you. You look so pretty." A sigh. "I'm so envious of people who are naturally born with such beautiful features. Compared to me, you're like a model. Ah, maybe a goddess would be a more ideal term..."


Mobius was used to people trying to suck up to her (or running away from her), but hearing you praise her sounds vastly different than those other power-hungry humans. The scientist took a second to get a good look at you. When she glanced back up at you, she appeared deep in thought but notably bothered. Your presence was a confounding variable. You were able to affect her in a way not many could. It unsettled her.

"I'm only going to say this once so listen carefully." You brighten at the sound of her voice. "I don't care for your theatrics nor am I interested in becoming friends so do me the favor by not acting friendly with me. It's annoying."

You paused and took in her vicious words. Instead of being put off by her words, you took them to heart, something rarely anyone did. She was perplexed.

"Then I'll be less annoying, Doctor."

Her brow twitched. "I hate talking."

"Then I'll talk less."

"I especially hate girls."

She believed that she had won the debate when you had stayed silent but her victory was short-lived when you smiled at her. "I'll act like a boy to obscure my femininity. Would it help if I dressed like a boy as well?"

What's with this one? You looked as if you were having fun. The scientist gives up on getting rid of you and simply turns away, acting as if you weren't there in the first place. She should have done that before the conversation escalated. Mobius could only ignore you, trying to limit the number of interactions with the peculiar woman.

It proved to be quite difficult as you made it your job to intervene in her life. From helping her with her reports to running errands for her. Slowly, but surely, you were getting closer to the woman named Mobius, unaware of the doctor's growing obsession for you.


"Good morning, Dr. Mobius." You were already in her lab before she clocked in. She stared at you before walking past you. You weren't hurt by her gesture having been used to her cold attitude. "Have you eaten breakfast yet?"

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