The Weekend - Kosma x Reader

Start from the beginning

"Kosma, are you okay?" You asked, worried for the green-haired male. "Did I make you uncomfortable?"

Kosma starts to panic when he saw the guilt plastered on your face.

"No. It's not your fault. It's mine." He quickly said before looking down. "I just got a bit carried away there. If anyone is at fault, it's me."

The rest of his words went by like a blur. What did he mean 'he got a bit carried away there'? The way he said that almost suggests... You return your focus to Kosma who was oblivious to the turmoil in your mind. Could it be—?

"Does 3:00 sound good?"

You snapped out of your thoughts.


"I'm sorry?"

"To play Honkai Impact..." He hesitated for a split second. "... Does 3:00 work for you?"


"Yeah!" You didn't mean to be so loud. Even Kosma was surprised by your volume. You mutter a quick apology to him. Your face burned. "3:00 sounds good."

He brightens at your response. "Then I'll see you at the Golden Courtyard?"

"Yeah." You assure him of his doubts. "I'll be there."

The two of you arrived at the intersection. You quickly realize that the two of you had to part ways.

"See you tomorrow." You said.

He nods. "Be careful on your way home."

"You too." Like that, he was gone.

You were sad to see Kosma go, but it couldn't be helped given that the two of you live on different streets.

'That's right... Kosma asked me to come over to play Honkai Impact with him. I probably should get a gift.'

Speaking of getting a gift, does this mean you're going to be meeting Kosma's family soon? If you weren't nervous before, you sure were now.

Everything will be fine, right?


Everything was not fine. It took you almost an hour before you could decide what to wear. The gift basket that you picked out was sitting at your front door, ready to be taken to its recipient yet its sender had yet to be ready. You checked the time. It was already 2:30 PM. If you don't leave now, you were going to miss the bus. You checked your appearance one more time before leaving the house. The gift basket in hand.

You hardly remember getting inside the bus much less getting off of it. The nerves must really be getting to you because you had no recollection of getting off the bus and walking to the Golden Courtyard yet here you were, standing in front of the pristine building. You couldn't help but admire the place. Does Kosma really live in such a big place? It looks like it could house a ton of people.

You ring the doorbell and waited. It wasn't long before someone answered the door. You had expected Kosma to answer the door, not a pink-haired girl. A pretty one at that. You couldn't help but admire the person before you. Long pink hair that is tied in a low ponytail. Not a single strand was out of place. And her eyes. They were a gentle blue. A lovely blue. They say that eyes are the window to a person's soul.

That saying might be true.

"It's rude to stare at a lady, (Y/N). But I'll allow it seeing as you're such a cute girl."

"Ah, I'm sorry." You quickly look down at your feet. How long had you been staring at her? "I hadn't realized..." You paused for a moment as you repeat her words over and over again. Slowly, you raise your head to her. "... You know my name?"

HONKAI IMPACT 3RD x FEM! READER ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now