He slid under Kakashi but his finger barely touched one. M/n and Naruto were about to attack Kakashi again before the alarm clock rang.

"Looks like time is up. Good luck next time." Both Naruto and M/n groaned.

Time Skip

Sasuke and Sakura were sitting next to two poles that Naruto and M/n were tied to. In front of them were two lunches. All of their stomachs growled.

"Uh-oh, stomachs growling, huh? That's too bad. Oh, by the way, about this exercise. Well, I've decided I won't sent any of you back to the Academy."

Everyone looked at Kakashi, shocked.

"What? I passed? All I did was faint and fall over. Do you get points for that?" Sakura asked in wonder.

M/n and Naruto looked and each other and grinned.

Sakura began to jump around, cheering while Sasuke smirked.

"Then- Then that means all four of us- I mean, all four of us?" Naruto yelled excitedly.

Kakashi smiled. "Yes. All four of you... are being dropped from the program. Permanently."

The four Genin's jaws literally fell to the ground.

"Huh? What the hell?" M/n asked confused, staring at Kakashi.

"Drop us from the program? That means we can never become ninja. You said if we couldn't take the bells, we'd be sent back to the Academy. You can't just change your mind and kick us out! Why would you do that?" Naruto screamed.

"Because you don't think like ninja. You think like little kids, little brats."

Sasuke grunted and suddenly charged at Kakashi, surprising the others.

"Well, that seemed like it triggered him." M/n took a mental note on that.

"Sasuke!" Sakura yelled in worry.

Kakashi quickly pinned him down to the ground. "You think it's all about you."

"Let go of Sasuke! You can't just step on him like he's some bug!" Sakura shouted.

"You don't know what it means to be a ninja. You think it's a game, huh?"

Everyone grunted.

"Why do you think we put you on squads? Did you consider that question for one moment?"

"Uh, I don't know what you mean?" Sakura said.

"I mean, you never realized what this exercise is all about. Not even close."

"What it's about?" Naruto repeated, confused.

"Yes, that's what determines wether you pass or fail."

M/n would've scratched his head right now because of how confused he was, but he was tied up. Quite tightly, might he add. 0/10, do not recommend getting tied up by Kakashi.

"But that's- I mean, I wanted to ask you about that from the beginning."

Kakashi clicked his tongue. "Use your head. Three people on a squad, in this case four. Why do you think we would do that?"

"Ahh! How are we supposed to know why you picked three people? We didn't make the rules!" Naruto screamed, annoyed.

"It's so basic. Teamwork!"

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