Chapter Forty-Four

Start from the beginning

          "Legilimens," he says suddenly, rushing into Josh's mind. He begins fabricating memories of you and Josh flirting...and he struggles a moment, aggrieved of sharing his own real memories of you with someone else. He finally fashions a memory of you both sneaking behind Peter's back and making out, then eventually he plants the firm notion that you two had sex outside last night, but spares the details and images of the encounter.

          He plants a memory of you two being caught right outside by himself, who quickly has Filch escort Josh back to his dorm, leaving you with him.

          He finishes the tiny details of such a task, cleaning every trace of his presence, and Josh inhales sharply as he comes to, sitting in the Headmaster's office. 

          "Mr. Philiman, you've been brought here to either confirm or deny these rumors of you and Miss Y/n." McGonagall says tightly, and at the mention of your name, Josh's pupils dilate. "Oh...well, so what if they're true?" he says in a cocky tone. "It isn't a crime. Besides, Snape already knows we were out shagging since he caught us last night so I dunno why you're interrogating me about it," he mutters, dropping his gaze angrily.

          Severus's fists clench tightly and it's all he can do to keep himself from crucio'ing this arrogant blockhead.

          "Mr. Philiman, while it is not a crime, such behavior is strictly forbidden on school property. You are free to consort elsewhere, but while you are here, at Hogwarts, you will refrain from it, and you will abide by our curfew," McGonagall says rigidly.

          Josh huffs, a look of annoyed indignation on his face, and Snape can't help but glare down at the sight of him thinking he has any right to your heart or your body.

          "Is...that clear...Mr. Philiman?" Snape hisses venomously. Josh's eyes jump up to the smoldering gaze of his brooding professor in renewed trepidation, "Y...yes, Professor."

          Snape continues glaring at him until Minerva breaks the tension, "You may go, Mr. Philiman. And, please do remember that if you are caught breaking the rules again, the punishment will be quite severe. You cannot risk anymore mishaps this term. Do you understand?" Josh's eyes drop to the floor, "Yeah, I got it..."

          He leaves the office and Snape leans back against the desk, his back still to Minerva. She waits a moment before speaking, "I'm sorry, Severus."

          He shakes his head slowly, his jaw tight. "It is what she decided."

          Over the next couple of days, the rumor has spread all over the school, and people start giving you the side-eye as you walk through the halls. The attention is almost more than you can endure, but thankfully Professor McGonagall had made arrangements for you to sleep in your own separate room so you wouldn't have to stay in close quarters with your roommates. The past two days had been incredibly awkward and tense in the dorm, and none of the girls had said a word to you.

          That is, until now between classes when you bump into Georgia in the girl's lavatory and pull her aside, "Just tell me...did Angel start this rumor last week about me and Josh?" Her eyes avert a moment. "And the rumor about Professor Snape...?" A look of guilt washing over her face, and it's all the answer you need.

          "What did I ever do to her, Georgia? To any of you...?" You ask, your voice strained and your cheeks flushing hot. "We thought we were helping you...Angel said it was for your own good that the truth got out so you would stop cheating on Peter. And she said she saw you two, firsthand," she replies quietly, her eyes betraying shame. "Me and Josh?" "You and Professor Snape," she responds quietly. Your heart tightens and you feel a rush of anger wash over you.

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