Rage Can Burn You

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"Oh," Freya said quietly, sitting in front of Stiles and Hope as they finished their explanation,"I'm so sorry."

Hope remained without emotion, she had already spent most of the night crying with Stiles holding her.

"Malivore succeeded in what he wanted to do," Hope said,"Now, we don't have a way to kill him."

"You shouldn't be worrying about that right now," Freya told them,"Just...take the day."

"I'm fine," Hope said, only rage filling her eyes,"In fact I'm more motivated to kill the bastard than ever."

Stiles looked over at Hope, worried about her,"Maybe we should," Stiles suggested.

"It'll only slow us down. Plus you said you wanted to talk to Halwyn about being a Hellhound. I can at least help the twins with research."

Stiles looked at Hope for a moment, and she looked back. She wanted to do whatever it took to destroy Malivore, that was something he had always known, but now he had hurt her in a personal way. Robbing them of the future they could have had.

"If you say so," Stiles said,"But if you feel like you have to leave."

"I'll call you," Hope assured him.

Hope went to the library as soon as they got to the school, and Stiles went and met Halwyn on the roof of the school and he sat in deep meditation.

"Uh...hello?" Stiles asked and his eyes snapped open.

"Sit, Mieczysław," Halwyn said.

"It's just Stiles," He replied sitting down in front of the elder Hellhound,"So, I wanted to talk to you about--"

"You wish to learn how to channel lightning," Halwyn interrupted.

"Uh, yeah. Is mind reading another power that Hellhounds have?"

"No. From what I know of you already, you are curious, always thirsting for knowledge."

"Okay. So?"

"Lightning is a skill that must be developed over several years. Requiring balance and focus that most children your age can barely achieve."

"Still won't stop me from trying," Stiles said with a smirk,"C'mon. I'm a special kind of Hellhound anyway so it might come easier."

"I am well aware that you are the True Hellhound, the first to have powers on its own and not require a spirit," Halwyn said, staring into the depths of soul,"But it may be dangerous for you."

"Danger's my middle name. I'm just kidding, it's Genim," Stiles said,"If Malivore sends another monster I need an edge."

"You have already convinced me to stay my hand until you have found a way to free my daughter from her capture. I will do no more until she is released."

Stiles sighed, standing up he was about to leave then he stopped. A cold feeling clenching his heart.

. . .

Malivore's mouth opened, his jaw stretching more than it should have been able to, then reaching into the black abyss he pulled something out. It was no bigger than a golf ball. A ball of black smoke. It writhed in his hand, trying to break free of his grip.

"You know what to do," Malivore whispered to it, letting the creature go free and it disappeared.

. . .

Hope dropped the book she had grabbed from the shelf and she stumbled.

Stiles caught her, looking over her with wide eyes, his heart pounding. Not seeing anything physically wrong with her, but he knew something was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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