Fighting Fire With Fire

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Stiles jogged into the kitchen of the Salvatore school, going through all the cupboards pulling out several different snacks.

"I thought the whole point of you guys moving out was that we'd be seeing less of you," Lizzie stated, looking up from the fridge. It had officially been a few days since Hope and Stiles announced that they were moving into the vacant Mikaelson mansion. The deed was already signed in as Stiles's name, so no vampire could enter without his or Hope's permission much to her family's anger.

"Just making a food run for Hope," Stiles said,"She hasn't been feeling that good today, so that means a snack for every flavor."

"When you say not feeling well, does that mean morning sickness?" Lizzie asked, slightly worried.

"Nope," Stiles said,"It's just that time of the month."

"Oh," Lizzie said, relieved,"And will you guys be..." She trailed off not wanting to finish.

"That's actually none of your business," Stiles stated.

"Well, Malivore just so happens to be trying to take over the world that I live in so I think it is my business."

Stiles ignored her, just heading for the door,"Bye, Lizzie."

And he was gone.

Stiles found Hope in their room, the blank room not as blank as it used to be. The walls were covered in different paint colors that they were still deciding on which one to keep, and there were boxes filled with their clothes all around the room.

On the bed, Hope was under the pile of blankets.

Cautiously, Stiles approached their bed like he was approaching a wild animal in a corner.

"Alright, so I got a little bit of everything," Stiles said, placing a pack of Skittles on the bed, and a hand reached out from the pile of blankets and snatched it. The same thing happened with the jalapeno chips, a pack of sliced apples, and a single rose for good measure.

When he was out of snacks she held her hand out expectantly.

Stiles smiled, taking her hand and he was yanked under the covers. Through the darkness, he can feel her snuggle into his chest.

They stayed with each other throughout the day, not leaving each other's vicinity.

"You wanna hear a terrible joke?" Stiles asked.

"Not really," Hope mumbled.

"What do women and werewolves have in common?" Stiles asked, continuing anyway.


"They both dread that time of the month," Stiles said, chuckling, but Hope flicked him in the nose.

"This is not the time to joke," She growled,"My insides are melting, that's not funny."

"I'm not saying it is," Stiles replied, rubbing his nose,"Alright, is there anything you want me to do right now that could possibly make you feel better?"

"Unless you can somehow transfer my uterus over to you, just keep cuddling."

Stiles hummed, an idea forming,"I think I can help with that actually."

His hand brushing her cheek, black veins started to trail up his hands. And Hope's eyes started to widen.

Stiles winced at the feeling of pain,"Ouch."

"You could've done that this whole time?" Hope said.

"Well, it's not like I've tried it before," Stiles answered,"Is that better?"

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