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Once Tony figured out that Steve and Sabrina were telling the truth, he landed onto the raft where Secretary Ross and the others are at

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Once Tony figured out that Steve and Sabrina were telling the truth, he landed onto the raft where Secretary Ross and the others are at.

"So? You got the files? Let's reroute the satellites, start facial scanning for this Zemo guy," Tony says walking towards Ross.

Ross scoffs, "You seriously think I'm gonna listen to you after that fiasco in Leipzig? You're lucky you're not in one of these cells. Ross looks at Tony sternly and leads on through a thick, steel security door. Soldiers stand guard in an operations room. Tony looks at a surveillance screen. it shows Wanda, sitting hunched and bedraggled in a cramped prison cell. Tony's eyes widen at the sight. 

Another security door opens. Tony walks into a chamber surrounded by large, bared windows. Beyond the windows are a number of prison cells. Tony takes in his surroundings. Clint, Scott, Wanda, Sam, and Hallie locked behind bars.

"The Futurist, gentlemen! The Futurist is here! He sees all! He knows what's best for you, whether your like it or not," Clint sarcastically starts clapping.

Tony sighs, "Give me a break, Barton. I had no idea they'll put you here. Come on."

Clint scoffs, "Yeah, well, you knew they'd put us somewhere, Tony."

Tony frowns as he gestures around him, "Yeah, but not some super-max floating ocean pokey. You know, this place is for maniacs. This is a place for..."

"Criminals?" Clint finishes for him as he stands up. "Criminals, Tony. Think that's the word you're looking for. Right? That didn't used to mean me. Or Sam, or Wanda. Or Hallie. But here we are. Not to mention someone from your team is the one who almost got Sabrina and Rhodey killed. "

"Because you broke the law," Tony points out as he glares at Clint.

"Yeah," Clint scoffs.

"I didn't make you," Tony states.

"La, la, la, la, la..." Clint drones out Tony's voice.

Tony shakes his head, "You read it, you broke it."

"La, la, la, la la..." Clint goes on.

Tony leans closer to the glass before walking away, "Alright, you're all grown up, you got a wife and kids. I don't understand, why didn't you think about them before you chose the wrong side?"

Clint slams his hands against the glass, "You gotta watch your back with this guy. There's a chance he's gonna break it."

Tony walks past Scott, "Hank Pym always said, you never can trust a Stark."

"Who are you?" Tony asks making Scott shake his head. "Come on, man."

Tony walks in between Sam and Hallie's cells. "How's Rhodes? How's Sabrina?" Sam asks as Hallie stands up and looks at Tony.

"They're flying them to Columbia Medical tomorrow. So . . . fingers cross," Tony sighs as he looks at Hallie. "Sabrina's in critical condition but she'll live. She's... uh, currently in a coma right now. I called her family and Jackson and they have a flight tomorrow and Jackson is driving down tomorrow morning. They should be at Columbia Medical when Sabrina arrives."

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