3.3 Number three is always fortunate

Start from the beginning

These kinds of notebooks have been piling up in his drawers, all of them possessing pieces of his own world, throughout the years. They have seen him growing, becoming a teen and a little man.

They hold his deepest secrets in them.

It's a saturday afternoon and it's been raining all day. The dark, gray clouds resemble Jisung's soul perfectly. He finds it peaceful, however, he hasn't had the usual extra energy to go out and enjoy the weather properly. So, he had stayed inside.

Suddenly, he hears the front door closing rather loudly downstairs. He puts his headphones down and listens.

He hears nothing.

His mom hasn't mentioned anything about going outside today.

He gets up and goes to his window, looking down to the front yard to see any cars. None. His mom's car is in its original place as well.

Suddenly, there's a knock on his door and he quails.

Opening the door, in front of him stands Lee Minho.

Minho welcomes himself in, closing the door behind him and looking at the shocked black haired boy in front of him.

"Hi, Jisung" he says. Jisung looks at him, eyes wide, agape and speechless.

What is Minho doing here?

"Hyung..." he breathes. He feels tearful out of nowhere. All of a sudden, he feels so much- too much. The dam is breaking. "Hyung."

"Jisung" Minho says again, much softer now and closes the distance between them. He pulls the younger into a warm hug, pressing close. Jisung starts crying, alligator tears rolling down his cheeks. Oh, how much he missed this.

He tightens his arms around the brunette and leans his head on his chest. The feeling is so nice. Oh, how lonely he has been. Why did he lock himself out like that? Why did he shun Minho like that? Why did he leave himself alone?

Why, when Minho is and has always been here.

Minho shushes him as he sobs. He doesn't know where these waves of emotions are coming from but they're making him shake with their force. It takes its time for Jisung to settle down, but it's okay, since Minho isn't going anywhere.

Minho is radiating warmth, however, his jacket is all soggy, Jisung realizes it only now. He retreats slightly, sniffling and frowning.

"Hyung, you're all wet" he says wetly and scans the other, taking in the soggy clothes, messy hair dripping water and the red cheeks.

"Uhm, yeah, it was raining, I'm sorry, you're all wet now too because of me" he says, looking at the younger apologetically. He reaches his other hand and dries the tears on Jisung's cheeks with his sleeve.

"It's okay" Jisung leans into the older's hand. "But we need to get you out of those clothes or else you'll get sick"

Jisung offers his own wardrobe for Minho, seeing most of his clothes are Minho's old ones. Jisung personally like oversized clothing and Minho's scent lingering on them. Some of them he had stolen, yes, he admits. However, some of them have just appeared out of nowhere, he swears.

Plus, he knows Minho likes when he wears his clothes, just saying.

Sitting on Jisung's bed, the silence is awkward. Jisung feels like he should say something, but then again, Minho must have a reason to be here as well. Why did he run in the rain alone to see Jisung? The younger doesn't deserve to have someone who sacrifices their health for him. The way Jisung has been acting lately, Minho should be cutting him off and blocking him.

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