Chapter 4: What really happened?

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What really happened?


"What? Cat got your tongue?" She says, smirking at my horrified face. I slowly stepped back as she started to walk in my direction. "Awh, someone's scared. How are you? Had fun with life? Had fun while I was in despair?" She questioned, looking at me with her deadly glare adding up with her smirk. "E- Eloise, please..." I tried pleading, not finding the right words to form a sentence out of fear.

My leg bumped on a stray pile of books, causing me to fall. 'Shit,' I mentally cursed, seeing that the person who once was my best friend, is now trying to have revenge on me. On something that she deserved and something I did for her sake. Wherein- now she's right in front of me, I tried to back away but there was a wall behind me, somewhere I couldn't save myself from. I tried to stand up, but my weak knees screwed me. I felt myself become paler than I already was, feeling a hand grab my uniform.

'Caizen, c'mon! Man up idiot! Stand up!' the voice in my head pleaded.

"Please what?" My former friend asks, tightening her grip on my uniform. "I asked, 'please' WHAT!?" She repeats, more loudly and aggressively. "Answer me idiot! Don't act fucking mute!" She shouts, starting to shake me. I could literally feel the tears on my face, how much of a coward I am.

'No. Caizen, speak up, at least try to speak up! Don't be a fucking coward!'

There it was again, the voice..

"S-Stop! Please! Eloise... stop.." I stuttered, my voice trailing away. "You've changed.. Why are you doing this to me.." She laughed, "I changed? Why am I doing this to you?!" She let go of my uniform and punched me. "You're seriously asking me that question?! Tell me, do you ever even remember what you did five fucking years ago?!" She shouts again, grabbing onto my hair. My eyes widened- surprised that she really still has a grudge on me because of what happened years ago.

"It was for your-" She interrupted me. "For 'my' what? Fucking own hell?!"

Beads of sweat were forming on my face. I really don't know how I was going to deal with this shit.

~Five Years Ago~

A few hours before we started our exams, I saw my best friend, probably reviewing. I went to where she was sitting, and when she felt a presence near her, she quickly hid what she was writing. It left me confused, why would she hide something from me?

"What was that? Are you hiding something, shorty?" I asked. I saw her relax a little bit, but the tension was unnerving. "What? Huh? Oh, nothing! Nothing, just a little letter..." She said, trying to act cool. I raised an eyebrow, and smirked, "Side eye..." Actually doing it as I say so.

"Anyways... Who's that letter for?" I gasped as I assumed, "Oh, my, GOSH?! Did someone finally catch up to your standards? I wonder who he is! Or maybe, I wonder who she is!! Tell me about it!" She rolls her eyes, "Nash- no, I don't like anyone. This is a personal type of letter, mom made me write," She explains- Putting a finger over my mouth as I was about to speak. "And no, Nash, you certainly cannot read it. Because as I said, it's a personal letter." I frowned, nodding.

I sighed, well, if she doesn't want to let me read the letter, then it must be very important. I guess I'll just change the topic...

"So..." I started, trying to change the topic. To which she shifts her attention to me. "Yeah?" She asks, calmly looking at me with a smile. "Well, today's our exam day and-" Her gentle smile turned into a frown, "What exactly are you pointing out, Nash?" She asks, interrupting me. "I was just wondering if you've reviewed for the exam yet, y'know."

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