Chapter 34 ○ Use Me « M »

Start from the beginning

"You taste like me. Now, I want you to have fun, too."

"Who said I didn't?"

"You know what I mean. Do you want me to suck you off, or..."

"Lay on the bed, you little whore."

Of course he doesn't obey. He sits down instead. I sit beside him, putting one hand on his thigh and the other under his chin, biting gently on the curve of his jaw.

"I thought I told you to lay down."

"I don't want to. What are you going to do about it... daddy?"

"I don't have anything extra in here for what I have in mind, so I'm just going to use what nature gave me, baby."

"Your dick?"

"That comes after. I'm talking about your punishment. I'm talking about my hands."

He didn't expect that, I can tell. But he's also intrigued by the idea. He lays on my lap and waits, a little tense, for my first strike. I decide to play a bit before I do.

"You've been naughty, baby. I gave you an order, and you ignored it. This is serious to me. I can't just let it pass. You understand I have to do this, right?"

"Y-Yes, daddy."

The first two slaps resonate in the room pleasingly, and Wooyoung whimpers. My hand's silhouette appear in red on his butt cheeks.

"Now, now, how many should I give you? How many months have we been together? Didn't you count? You should have. We shall do it now, then. Count to ten, princess."

"One... two... three..."

Every number is a smack.

"...six... seven... e-eight..."

"Don't hesitate. You're almost done. Last two, baby."

"Nine... ten."

His butt is a red light, but he didn't call 'lollipop' on me. Good boy. I almost thought he would, at one point.

"Have I... have I been good, daddy? Can I have it now?"

"You've been good, babygirl. You've learnt your lesson. This is what you get if you don't behave. But now... now, we are going to have some fun together."

Without moving from the position, I start pressing a finger against into his hole until it's completely swallowed. Every time, it's difficult to believe the heat and the tightness. I begin moving the finger in and out, then add a second one in. Wooyoung's gasps and moans are music to my ears. As I gape him and add some lube, I whisper softly.

"How are you going to sit down after this, hmm? First the spanking, now I'm going to fuck you so hard, princess. Are you ready?"

"Yes, daddy. Please."

I stand up and crack my neck a couple times; he adjusts his position on the bed, waiting for me to join him. I slide into him and a wave of pleasure assails me. I can't help myself but start to pound into Wooyoung straight away to ride that wave until it sails. He starts grinding against me as well and I'm as hard as it gets. I put my right leg over his back, pulling myself even deeper into him. He whimpers and I know I have hit the right spot. I keep on thrusting and thrusting into him and his gasps turn into loud moans that fill the room. He calls my name again and again.

"I'm coming, baby. Where?"

"I want to drink daddy."

"On your knees, then."

This time, he obeys. I'm standing in front of him and the sight of his sexy open mouth sends me to heaven. I unload everything I have messily while he smiles and chunters gleefully. He plays with it a little before loudly swallowing it in a gulp and showing me his empty mouth.

"All gone. Thank you, daddy."

I kiss his forehead while I try to remember my own name and all that. Then, we hear knocking on the door.

"Guys, are you dead or something?"

"Yeah, I don't think dead people make so much noise."

Thank you, Mingi.

"Very much alive. Ready in a minute. Make it two."

Make it three or five, goddammit.

"Nah, you can stay there, we just didn't know if you were there or out."

"You bitch, they locked themselves in, of course they were in the room!"

Giggling and a loud smack, then nothing. I'll say it once again. We've got the best brothers. Loud and messy and possibly the nosiest people I know. Still, I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.


Author's note: you've reached the end of yet another smutty chapter by yours truly. Wanted to give the boys some more action before the plots develops further. Funny how my longest chapters are always the naughty ones 😂

Today at work it's tedious but I'm going to be so happy once I'm home because Ateez merchandise and posters are waiting for me! They finally came after such a long time, from Korea! I actually have no more free place to put Ateez stuff before I move into the new house, but I'm happy nonetheless. Yay for collecting and for stanning one group only as it's expensive like this already.

 Yay for collecting and for stanning one group only as it's expensive like this already

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