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Chapter 5986: Help you prepare!

In fact, he has always planned to tell his family about this incident, but he was worried that there would be situations he didn't want to see, so he also postponed it a bit.

He didn't expect that his grandmother and mother would have understood all of this a long time ago, so he doesn't need to worry about anything.

"Really?" The ecstatic Di Shaofeng couldn't help but say again, just wanting to be sure.

Looking at the excitement of Di Shaofeng, Xia Wanrong and Lin Yunqing also laughed dumbly, and the smiles in their eyes became more and more intense.

"Naturally it's true."

Di Shaofeng's smile spread from the bottom of his heart. He believes Yunyan will be very happy when he tells Yunyan the news.

"Shaofeng is really grown up too, looking happy, you can't see it in normal days." Xia Wanrong smiles and jokes, her eyes are unconcealed love.

While happy, Lin Yunqing looked more serious, "Shaofeng, you are the young master of the Lin family after all. I have to discuss this with your grandfather first."

Although Shaofeng is her son, there is a more important identity as the young master of the Lin family.

Small marriages are important, which is a big deal for the whole family.

She had to tell her father about this matter first, and once this was confirmed, she had to go to the Baili family to propose marriage. This kind of etiquette was indispensable.

Di Shaofeng nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Mother, this matter will have to trouble you."

Lin Yunqing chuckled lightly, patted Di Shaofeng's hand, and nodded, "Don't worry, this kind of thing is left to my mother to prepare, can I help you prepare it properly?"

"Then trouble grandma and mother."

Di Shaofeng's bright eyes are bright like a shooting star, he has always been serious about Yunyan, and he is naturally unwilling to treat Yunyan half badly.

For this period of time, Yunyan has been with him, but he can still faintly notice Yunyan's unconscious worry.

Although he always reassures Yunyan, even if the family disagrees, he will try to persuade the family, but he also understands in his heart that Yunyan cannot be worried until all this is done.

Fortunately, now he can finally rest assured.

The Baili family.

When Baili Fan heard that Baili Hongzhuang and her party returned to the family, he was overjoyed, and immediately led a group of people out to greet her.

From the disciples who came back, he already understood the Patriarch's performance in the ancient battlefield. Even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, he could imagine how spectacular the scene was.

In the past, the Emperor's biggest opponents were the Jun family and the Xiao family. Now that the Jun family and the Xiao family are no longer opponents, the Emperor family will only grow stronger.

The most important thing is that when the family children went out to practice, he always had trouble sleeping and eating, worried that they would be injured and perish.

Because as a small family, there is no advantage at all in such experience.

To put it bluntly, there is almost nothing left, because once they run into a big family team, they have no ability to be directly hostile except for retreating.

Bewitching Prince Spoils His Wife: Genius Doctor Unscrupulous ConsortOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant