Part 8

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Whoever they are, they push me on the floor. 

"Oww what the hell" I look up 

All of a sudden I can't move. 


He smirks and leans down. 

"I can't let this happen again, can I?" He says 

"How about I teach you a little lesson to show what I'm capable of" He says maniacally.

"Spread you legs, you bitch" He orders me

Unwillingly I follow his orders. Who knows what he'll do. 

He stands back up and kicks me in the stomach. Then he punches me in the face, my stomach, and kicks my legs. Again and Again and Again

Blood starts oozing out of my mouth. There's bruises all over my leg and waist. There are cuts on my face. My whole body is in pain. While I'm aching that bastard is having the time of his life. 

He lifts me up by my neck and pins me to the wall. I kick as hard as I can, but his grip is too strong. He tightens his grip, suffocating me. 

"Now time for the final show" He says while laughing. 

He brings out his knife and brandishes it in his hand. 

Oh god no, please no 


He slashes my right arm about an inch deep. Blood stains my sleeve and pain soon becomes unbearable. 

I don't even have the energy to scream for help. Tears start forming and soon fall on my face. 

He drops me back on the ground. 

"That's all for today, remember don't listen to me and it's going to get worse. Good luck" He says walking out of the alley until he's no longer visible 

Ugh.. this pain, this darkness, this loneliness brings back bad memories... 

I remember when Eunjoo and her friends used to bully me. Embarrassing me everyday, kicking me everyday. Making me miserable everyday. It came to the point where I started having suicidal thoughts. 

I come back to the moment. 

It hurts so much. Please someone save me. I cry my heart out knowing I can't do anything because my body hurts so much. 

Joshua obviously can't and won't help me. And honestly Eunjoo would watch me with pleasure. My brothers aren't home either and I don't want to worry them too. 

I continue to cry as I hear footsteps come closer. 

"What are you here to give me a lesson again" I say thinking it's Dae. 

"No, I'm here to help you" The voice is sweet and full of warm energy unlike Dae. 

"Are you okay?" He asks me as he comes closer. 

"Ooh, it looks bad. Here let me help you." He offers. 

I need all the help I can get. He lets me climb on his back and he carries me out of the alley. 

"How did you find me?" I ask him. 

"I heard crying and I thought I saw blood, so I came to check" He says. 

"Thanks. What is your name?" I ask him. 

I lean closer from his back and get a good look at his side profile. 

He's pretty good looking, and he's kind too 

"Hyunjin Kim" He says warmly. 

"Perhaps you know my younger sister, she goes to the same school at you" he says while turning his face back to look at my uniform

Shit I forgot I was in my uniform. What the hell am I going to do 

"Hmm... The only Kim in that I know that goes to our school is Eunjoo Kim" I say

"Ahh, yes that's her" 

Really, he's Eunjoo's brother. He's so kind and sweet while Eunjoos a freaking sadist and bully. 

"Is my sister nice?" He asks. 

"Umm.. Yah" I say not to hurt his feelings. 

"Oh good, she gets in trouble a lot, so I hope she doesn't bother you." He says. 

"Where do you want to go? I can take you to the pharmacy if you like. I can buy you bandages or I could take you home" He offers. 

"It's fine, you can take me home." I tell him.

I don't really want Joshua and Eunjoo to see me like this. I bet Eunjoo would be more shocked to see her brother. And so would I if my brothers are home. Please let them not be home. I really don't want this kind man to waste his money on me. 

I give him directions to my home while he continues to give me a piggyback ride. 

"I can walk, I'm fine" I say 

"No you're not" He says, this time firmly, "Is everything okay?" 

It's not like I can hide it at this point, "Not really, but I can't do anything about it" I tell him. 

"Okay, I know you might not be able to talk to your loved ones, but you can always talk to me." He says it in the sweetest voice. It magically heals all my worries and gives me hope. 

We reach the front of my house and he rings the doorbell. 

Joshua comes and opens the door. 

"Finally, you were taking so long-" and then he looks at me covered with blood and bruises. 


Hyunjin comes in and lays me down on the couch. 

"What's happening" Eunjoo asks. 

"OPPA, what are you doing here, and why does Aeri look like she got into a fight" 

Oh it looks like my brothers aren't home yet. Thank god 

Joshua gets the first aid kit and carefully treats me until all my wounds are bandaged. 

"Seriously what were you doing. You look like you were near death." He lifts my arm and asks me, "And what the hell happened to your arm it's bleeding like crazy" 

I look away. I can't answer, what if he feels guilty cause it's partly his fault. But then again it's not like he cares about me. He's just doing this because I'm hurt. 

Joshua heads over to where Hyunjin and Eunjoo are. 

I can't hear them as I'm starting to lose consciousness. 

dont you remember me?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें