Part 6

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"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING AERI" Riki oppa says yelling at me. 
He drops down his bag and comes to the sofa. 

Joshua immediately lets go of his grip and sits back on the sofa. 


I immediately avert my eyes to the ground and sit with proper posture. My brothers are quite scary when they're mad. 

"Are you going to answer me?" Riki asks. 

"Hyung, we were just-" Joshua tries to reply. 

"I'm asking her. She probably told you to do this" He says glaring at me. 

"If you don't answer me, I'm going to tell your oppas about what you did, especially Yeonjun." He says

"NO. PLEASE NO." I plead

Yeonjun oppa is the scariest when he's mad. I remember once he hit me and yelled at me so much that I cried for hours. 

"It was just a misunderstanding," I explain, "I didn't invite him for this-" 

"What's going on?" Eunjoo comes over and asks. 

"Who's that?" Riki asks, "I'm Aeri's older brother, Riki" 

"See, I didn't just invite Joshua over. Eunjoo, Joshua, and I are working on a project so I invited them over." I explain, "I was busy cleaning the house, so I forgot to tell you, oppa." 

"Ok fine, that explains why they're here, but what were you guys doing." Riki asks. 

"We were just joking," Joshua says, "She insulted me, so I proved her wrong." 

"Of course it was you" my brother says disappointed in me, "Don't ever think about doing things like this again." 

"And don't invite boys over, or go over to their house without my or your oppas permission." He says sternly. 

He sighs heavily and then walks to the kitchen. 

"Damn, I didn't know you had such a hot brother" Eunjoo says. 

Oh shit, what if they both recognized Riki. But actually I don't think I told them that I have older brothers so it should be fine. 

"Why were you taking so long, did you take a shit?" Joshua teases Eunjoo 

"No, what were you guys doing anyway that mad your brother so mad?" Eunjoo asks 

"N-Nothing..." I reply 

"Lets just work on our project, okay guys?" I suggest. 

After a couple hours we make pretty good progress. 

"It's getting late, I got to go home before it gets dark" Eunjoo says

"Oh, then I should leave too." Joshua says. 

"Don't you live next door? You don't have to leave just because I'm leaving" Eunjoo says while heading to the door. 

"Well-" Joshua says

"Bye guys" Eunjoo says before closing the door. 

Well "this is awkward": part 2

It's not like he can do anything though, Riki is still in the kitchen because he doesn't trust us, or more like me. 

Joshua leans over to me. I get startled. 

"Don't worry I won't do anything. Are you scared?" He says while smirking 

"No" I say, "My brother is here, he's going to murder me if he sees us doing that again" 

"Oh by the way, did you tell your brothers about what happened on Sunday" He asks. 

I look away and softly answer, "No, I don't have the guts to. Besides you were the one who said I couldn't tell anyone to" 

"Just making sure" He says. He stand up and turns around 

"I'm going to leave now. Bye" He says walking out the door. 

Riki oppa comes over. "Did both of your classmates leave?" He asks. 

"Yah" I reply 

"Are you sure you and Joshua are really classmates" He asks concerned 

He sits down next to me and asks, "I don't think classmates make moves on each other." 

"Oppaaa, you know I wouldn't ask a guy to do that. He just did it himself." I reply 

"Just be careful. I just want you to be safe" He says softly, "You never know what a guy would to to a pretty girl like you" 

Well he isn't wrong, after all Dae threatened me.

He puts his hand on my cheek and brushes my hair gently. 

"Although, I don't think I can say the same for Yeonjun" He says in a you-know kind of way. 

"Why is he so over protective anyway?" I ask 

"I don't know, well I guess he doesn't want you to be hurt or to lose you to some random dude" He says while getting up. 

"I wonder why your brothers are taking so long. Come one dinner's ready" He says calling me over to dinner. 

Me and Riki sit over at the dinner table and wait for our brothers. 

"Would you mind not mentioning what happened today to oppa" I ask him with puppy eyes. 

"Fine" He says giving in, "but you must promise that you won't do things like this again" 

"I won't, thanks oppa" I say happily. 

"Hey sorry we're late" Yeonjun says with Jaeyun and Yongbok behind them. 

"Dinner's ready, hyungs" Riki tells them.  

We eat dinner without a word about Joshua. 

After dinner I head upstairs. My room seems kinda messy; I could have sworn I cleaned it. 

I fix up my table, but I notice something. 

Wait, where is the polaroid of me and Gia. We took it at the photo booth on my 13th birthday. It was before she moved to the US... 

Wait a minute... 

Eunjoo took a really long time to go to the "bathroom" and I thought I heard a thunk upstairs. The photo was from junior high too... Did she really take it. OH NO, she might realize that it is me. 

Relax maybe, you just dropped it somewhere or threw it out by accident. You can't justify that Eunjoo took it. Maybe you're just paranoid because of what happened today. 

I clear my mind and decide to finish my homework. And soon enough I go to bed

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