Part 2

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(Joshua above, btw i love him so much, he's like really nice but for the sake of the story he's gonna be slightly meaner) 

There is no way

His childhood photos, it IS the Joshua I knew, my Joshua

The Joshua that left me...

There are pictures of letter I have sent him, artwork I painted for him, and even our picture together. 

I can't believe it, I mean he looked slightly different, so I was able to recognize him. But I wonder if he remembered me. 

I mean I looked so different, with short hair and an amazing personality. My confidence never wavered. 

I guess I rotted. Now I always look depressed, I barely have any friends or a personality and my self esteem is lower than the Mariana trench. 

But Joshua used to be so shy and quiet and cute, well now hes more loud and rude and kinda hot... 

I guess we switched. 

The bell rings, so I make my way to class with my friends. Before entering I see Joshua so I catch up to him and hand over his phone. 

"You dropped this when I bumped into you" I say

"Ugh seriously, I was looking everywhere for it. You should have gave it sooner." He replies and walks away

Gosh, not even a thank you. This is really my childhood best friend. We're talking about the same person right, the person who was always there for me is the same person that looked disgusted to even talk to me. 

I ignore Joshua and make my way into the classroom. 

As soon as class is over I rush out to go home.

Should I throw away my chance to reunite with my past bestie? 

What if he doesn't want to see me? 

He didn't like talking to me anyway. But sitting here and doing nothing while knowing he's in the same class as me feels horrible. 

My brothers being busy one way or another, left me walking home by myself. After I while I can't help but notice that Joshua is going the same way as me. 

It looks more like I'm going in the same way as Joshua but that's obviously not true. 

He suddenly turns around and stares at me. 

"Why are stalking me, first you take my phone, then this?" He asks. 

Me stalking you, please, what's there to like about you, other that your face and your...

ok fine maybe there are things to like about Joshua ,but not now, he's a jerk 

"I'm not following you, I'm simply just going home" I reply 

"Pfft, whatever" He scowls. 

I continue to walk behind him until I reach my house. I look back to see if Joshua is still walking. 

But I don't see him walking. Instead I see him entering the house next to me.

Seriously, neighbors, that's so cliche 

I can't tell whether I'm supposed to be happy or annoyed. 

Well it seems he noticed and he doesn't seem too happy about it. 

"What the hell, you really love me don't you, like what's your-" He says

"Honey who are you talking" His mom interrupts coming out of the gate.

"Oh are you the new neighbor that moved in a while ago?" She askes, "I'm Chaeyong Hong, Joshua Hongs mother" 

"My aren't you cute, why don't you come in" She asks. 

I mean at this point it's not like I can decline 

"Sure" I reply while I see Joshua roll his eyes. 

I come in and sit down with Joshua and his mom

"Do you live by yourself sweetie" She asks.

"No auntie, I have four older brothers"

"Oh it seems like you go to the same school as my son"

"Ah yes, we happen to be in the same class" 

"Really, well I hope you and Shua become great friends"

Shua... I haven't heard anyone else call him that in forever 

"Well I have to go get groceries, so I hope you'll accompany my son while I'm gone" she requests 

I want to hang out with Joshua more, and learn about what happened to him, but I think he is itching to kick me out 

I'm not really one to say no to anyone so I assure Joshua's mom that I'll stay. 

"Ugh she's finally gone" He says, "don't think that we're friends or anything, and stay away from me at school."

"Now go" He insists. 

I carefully get up and leave to not get him mad. I thank him for the food and go over to my house. 

Joshua Pov 

Why would mom invite a weirdo like her over. She has a weird energy, almost like I've seen her before. But that's impossible; why would I talk to a pick me like her.

Back to Aeri Pov 

I come over to my house and change out of my uniform. It seems like my brothers haven't come home yet. 

"Well that was rude, he didn't even let me stay for a minute. He's acting like I did something wrong even though he's the one mistreating me" I vent to myself. 

I lie down as my eyes start to close and soon, I'm fast asleep.

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