"Hey it's okay, I've dealt with this for a long time." his reassurance still didn't change the fact they were talking ill of a cripple kid or guy, it was infuriating. Not fair at all. Well... not like the world is fair to anyone... especially people like us with problems.

Minutes later, class ended, I wasn't that hungry, so I decided to go to the bathroom with Thomas. He needed to pee and me? Well... I always was sort of guard, knowing how awful people are here in Skyline, I can't trust anyone.

I decided to just clean my hands, dissimulate, act like if I went alone, the amount of low trust I have is right there. I look at the mirror to look at myself, at the cowboy hat my uncle gave me before his death... from my step-father side. Uncle Tony was the best... mom, dad (step-father) and I went to his home, he taught me how to ride a horse, to use a rope... he was just... I couldn't ask for a better badass or better uncle. This hat is what I have left of him...

"Hey Tommy. I'm going outside, okay?"

Thomas replied "Yeah, okay."

I walked out of the bathroom quickly adjusting my hat once more. I decided to just wait for Thomas as he finishes, due to his leg problems... he just takes a bit of time in the bathroom...

But now I feel... dizzy... weird... maybe it's my schizophrenia, it could be-

"There he is."

Who said that? That sounded like... oh you gotta be kidding me, sounded like Josh... kleptomaniac guy who I just want dead... the main source of Thomas' bully. I looked at where his voice came from... but... I didn't see him... was he even here or... I don't know.

I heard a 'thumb' and I saw Josh, brown hair boy with green eyes very angry at another girl... that girl was... I don't know her name but... she had autism... that bastard drove over the line!

I stomped in her direction, boy or girl. Messed up or not... I might as well teach him a lesson or two... or thirty-six, that's the amount of times he has bullied Thomas. So I kept stomping as I managed to reach him and tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, Joshie." he looked back and without hesitation, I just hit him with what Uncle Tony would call... a perfect right hook. Dad always said I had that fighter spirit in me... but I personally don't like to fight... I'm very pacifistic but... I really don't like bullying... I don't.

Josh looks back seeing his lips a bit broken. "Piece of..."

He throws a punch at me... which... weirdly enough, either it was slower or... I just had good reflexes. Result? I just dodged it and quickly punched him again... but this time... the punch actually... knocked him out?!


I didn't even mean him to hit him that hard! Though he deserved it... but... with all the incidents and all... I thought I punched him with a normal strength there... it's like if I'm...

"Y/N Galicia!"

Galanis! Is Galanis! How hard is to get my last name?! What's Galicia anyways?

I look back seeing of course... Ms. Sanchez, I hate her so much! Like... hate... doesn't explain what I feel for her.

"Principals office, now!" she roared at me... what? She thought she was a beast? Bleh. Might as well just walk... and that I did... right to the principal's office... not the first time, is actually third time this semester... getting pretty famous.

I walked to his office very annoyed, he wasn't the best we could say... he's like every principal and teacher... letting the bully walk away and free, piece of crap. I just went to his other chair, sat and well... let the fun begin.

The principal sighs and looks directly at my soul. "You know why you're here, right?"

"Well, because I was stopping a bully from hurting a autistic girl? Now I'm being framed?" The principal just shook his head and looked at me again.

"You're here for knocking out a student, more exactly, breaking two of his left molars!" he exclaimed at me, and being honest... I didn't like it, he was blaming me for knocking out Josh? He earned that knockout. "He is in the infirmary, possibly with the chance of going to a hospital because of the missing teeth..."

I cut him off, this was annoying me. "That I took? Josh is a bully, he picks on the little ones and I'm to blame for defending someone?"

"You can go to jail, Y/N!" Oh... I didn't think that.

Jail? Is it even legal for a 12 year old to go jail? At least here in New York?

Principal "forgot his name" sighs after that. "You're getting of with a week of suspension, next time something like this happens... I might be need to expel you."

Well... Bon Voyage to this school I guess.

"I'm gonna call your mother for this, and I hope... you decide to act better, okay?" he tried to sound not very angry but I could tell he is... and so was I.

I looked to the door... where I briefly saw Sanchez... but her expression, her eyes... they looked evil, or well... I felt they were sort of evil, it was a presence I didn't like, it was a horrible one. I was always told that I was unusually strong, I was stronger than everyone in my class when I was at least 8, I wasn't even muscular, I was a bit skinny and yet I had a lot of strength.

But I think... I heard Josh's voice like if it was a whisper to my ear, he was so many feet away, like 20 feet and it felt like a whisper by my ear... maybe I am sort of going nuts, either way... I'm going to bed after this.

I am fully aware, first chapter is incredibly short for the amount of time that passed, but again, I wanted to make a well done chapter, something different or new.

For Y/N's description which is not written, he is a white boy with medium length jet black hair, strong hazel eyes, though he wears punk rock like cowboy clothes, or at least that's his style, but he always, ALWAYS, wears Uncle Tony's hat, yes he cleans it but he wears it as a memoir of him. I did write Y/N to be shy but also hyperactive... but we don't know him at his fullest, or his story or almost anything, which is why I only wrote the clothes he wear but I will not say anything else of how he is, that's for you folks to learn as the story progresses it... and I already chose which god claimed him, just like how Percy was claimed by Poseidon, I know who chose Y/N... but... you guys will have to wait as the story of Y/N progresses.

Hope you guys enjoyed the short chapter and later.

The Kind Demigod (Annabeth Chase x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now