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It was finally the moment.

Climbing the tower had been an easy task, if a long one. Genocide simply climbed the stairs at the outer walls of the tower which took a few hours from how far the centre of the tower was from the ground. Reaching the main chamber, the first thing Genocide noticed was the feeling the place gave off.

Something felt extremely wrong. Genocide was not scared, nor was he nervous, but there was an instinctive urge to simply leave. As if his life itself was telling him to get away from the tower, or to be specific, what the tower had inside.

Shrugging off the feeling, Genocide focused on the area around him. The chamber was big and wide, looking closer to a large hall. On the ground was a large red circle filled with runes and a star. Each of the four points of the star was directed at a broken statue, and from the pieces it was obvious that the statues were of the Demon Lords, each representing the seal connected to their life.

Above the red star was what can only be described as a miniature sun of pure white flames. While definitely small enough to fit in the chamber, it was big enough to cover most of it. Genocide could not see inside the flames, but he could feel something powerful lingering within. The only thing keeping that thing inside was the structure of the seal, for the seal itself was almost gone.

Raising his left hand, Genocide summoned Rampage. He held the sword over his head with both hands before swinging down, stabbing the sword into the ground of the chamber. The strike was powerful enough to send cracks through the entire floor. The red star and runes glowed brightly before going completely dark, losing their red color.

Suddenly, the instinctive feeling of fleeing came back tenfold.

The white sun pulsed before it slowly grew smaller in size. It kept getting smaller and weaker before completely vanishing, leaving a figure slowly floating to the ground in its place. Genocide then got to see the very first demon, and he can safely say that it definitely didn't look like any other demon he have seen.

Genocide couldn't even tell what Satan's exterior was made of, for it seemed like an unnatural mixture of skin and scales. Their body was pure white. Not bone-white like Genocide's armor or shiny white like Lucifer's marble body, but an unnatural, pale white that made the Primordial Demon impossible to ignore or not draw attention.

Their body's figure was odd even amongst demons. They stood on two, hunched forward, but instead of feet, they had monstrous, sharp, and long hooves, looking almost like claws. Three on each foot had three hooves, two on the front and one on the back of its foot. The hooves themselves were blood-red, unlike most of the body. Behind the legs was short tail of bones, looking less of a tail and more like the tailbone itself is simply longer than it should have been.

Satan's midsection was rather thin, but not a sickly way as if it suffered starvation. It still looked strong and sturdy to support the rest of the body. The chest looked so hard it was borderline armoured, with red red lines that someone can mistake for tribal marks decorating the area. On the back were two thick, sharp stomps that made it seem Satan's back itself had a pair of horns.

The first demon had two pair of arms connected to the chest. One pair, the upper one, was larger than the pair under it. The biceps looked slim, but the forearms after that looked thick and heavy, almost like armor. Each hand had three fingers with one at the side, acting like a thumb, though they were less of 'fingers' and more of 'talons' with a blood-red color, similar to the hooves on the feet.

Satan's head was long, not unlike the heads of goats or horses, but it still seemed off for it actually was closer to reptiles in appearance. It had no lips or cheeks, showing crimson fangs. It had a pair of horns that pointed upwards, but unlike regular horns, they didn't twist or slowly move upwards, but instead took sharp turns to first move downwards, then forward, then upwards. Six red eyes, looking more like red slits on Satan's head, slowly opened and began looking around.

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