Aunt Cait and Nora

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Nora's at STAR Labs for another appointment with Caitlin. Caitlin Said"Nora,you ready"? Nora said"I guess so Aunt Cait". Caitlin said"C'mon Sunshine". Nora followed Caitlin into the Med Bay,laying on the bed. Caitlin examed Nora's Lower regions and said"Everything looks good hun. You're all healed and mission cleared". Nora said"Aunt Caity"? Caitlin said"Yes love"? Nora said"Little Awunty". Caitlin said"Ok honey".  Nora said"Plway"? Caitlin said"Go ahead sweetie". Nora went to the lounge and dug out all of her toys,Caitlin said"Nora,you wanna go with me to my house"? Nora nodded and grabbed her small backpack.

 Nora went to the lounge and dug out all of her toys,Caitlin said"Nora,you wanna go with me to my house"? Nora nodded and grabbed her small backpack

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Caitlin said"I set up a room for you sweets and got you a car seat hun". Nora said"Yway"! Nora and Caitlin went out to the car,Nora tried to buckle herself in but couldn't. Caitlin said"Here sweetie,Lemme help". Caitlin buckled her in and handed Nora a tablet. Nora said"What's t'is"? Caitlin said"An IPad love. I got it for you". Nora said"T'anks awunty Cwaitlwin". Caitlin said"Your welcome sweetie,but you can't take it home kay"? Nora said"Okies". *At Caitlin's House*... Nora said"Woah"! Caitlin said"I've got everything you need sweets,Littlespace stuff as well". Nora spotted the playpen.

Nora said"Thwis fwor mwe"? Caitlin Said"Yes sweets,that's for you"

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Nora said"Thwis fwor mwe"? Caitlin Said"Yes sweets,that's for you". Nora climbed into the playpen that had soft blankets and toys,Caitlin took a picture. Caitlin said"So cute. I've gotta send that to your daddy". Nora said"Awunt Cwaitlwin,can I have a bwottle"? Caitlin said"Sure hun". Caitlin got a bottle outta the cabinet and filled it with Strawberry Milk then gave it to Nora. Nora said"T'anks awunty Cwaitlwin". Caitlin said"You're Welcome sweetie". Caitlin turned on a Video of the Flash,Nora watching it as she drinks her bottle. Caitlin was doing work on her laptop,When she was knocked on the head with a bottle. Caitlin said"Ouch"! Nora said"Sowwy Auwnt Cwaity". Caitlin said"It's ok love". Caitlin put the bottle in the sink,Nora was crying. Caitlin said"What's wrong love"? Nora said"Wet"... *After Changing Nora's Pull-up*... Caitlin and Nora where outside,A little Puppy came up to Nora.

Nora said"Pwuppy"!! Caitlin said"Hello little pup,where'd you come from"? Nora said"Nwo cwollar"

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Nora said"Pwuppy"!! Caitlin said"Hello little pup,where'd you come from"? Nora said"Nwo cwollar". Caitlin said"No tags either". Nora said"Can I plway with her"? Caitlin said"Sure". *Caitlin asked her neighbors if the pup belonged to any one but sadly the pup belonged to no one*. Caitlin said"Looks like she's a stray kiddo". Nora said"Can you keep,pls"?! Caitlin said"Of course I will,She needs a home". Nora said"What we name her"? Caitlin said"I don't know sweets". Nora said"How bouts Bella"?! Caitlin said"Bella it is". Nora said"Bwella,come"! Bella ran over to Nora,happily. Nora said"She like her name"! Caitlin said"How bout we to the pet store and get Bella some stuff"? Nora said"Yeah"! Caitlin said"Alright let's go". Nora picked up Bella and carried her to the car. *At the Pet Store*...
Nora and Bella are in this cart.

 Nora and Bella are in this cart

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Caitlin said"Aw. You guys are so cute". Nora said"Awunt Cwait,cwan I gwet Bwella some outfits"? Caitlin said"Sure hun". Nora said"Flash,Flash"!! Caitlin said"What'd you think Bell"? "Bark"! Nora said"She like it". Later...  Nora set up Bella's stuff in her room and made a Puppy wardrobe for Bella. Caitlin said"Nora,your Daddy's on his way to come get you babe". Nora said"Okies. Could bring Bella to STAR Labs"? Caitlin said"Sure. I wouldn't leave little Puppy alone". Barry knocks on the door,Bella barks at him. Caitlin said"Hey Barr". Barry said"Where'd you get the pup"? Caitlin said"She just showed up,No collar,Tags or owner". Nora said"Her name Bwella"! Barry said"Oh hi Bella,you're a cutie. C'mon baby girl let's go home". Nora said"Okay daddy. Bye Awunt Cwaity,Bey-Bye Bwella". "Bark"! Barry said"Bye cait,Bye Bella". Barry and Nora get into the car. At the West-Allen Household... Nora said"Bwubba,Bwubba"!! Bart said"Hey baby sis. You have fun with Aunt Caitlin"? Nora said"Yeah! Awunty Cwaity even got puppy,her name Bwella"!! Iris said"Cait got a puppy"? Barry said"Yes. She's very adorable". Bart said"So baby sis,You hungry"? Nora nodded and said"Uh huh's"! Barry said"I ordered your favorite". Nora said"Pizza"! Barry said"Yup. Iris can you get Nora changed"? Iris said"Of course babe". Nora said"Mwommy"? Iris said"Yes Baby girl"? Nora said"Flash,Flash"! Iris said"Dress or costume baby"? Nora said"Dress pls mommy". *Iris picked her up and carried her into her Nursery*. Iris said"You're a bit wet hun can Mommy change your diaper"? Nora nodded,Iris changed her diaper and got out the dress. Nora said"Mwommy I hungries". Iris said"Ok sweetie lets go eat". Later... Nora was having a bath,under the supervision of Bart. Nora said"Bart,my arms hurt". Bart said"Lemme see sweetie". Bart looked at his sister's arms,Bart said"What happened kiddo"? Nora said"I fell and something cut me". Bart said"Ok baby sis let's get you outta the tub and get these nasty cuts cleaned up". Bart let the water out and wrapped Nora in a towel helping here outta the tub,Bart got a rag and rubbing alcohol along with some bandaids. Nora cried,the cuts stung. Bart said"I know sweetie but look all done see". Bart put the bandaids on and picked up his sister. Barry said"Hey Nora,it's bedtime". Nora said"Bubba sleep with me"? Bart said"Sure baby sis let's get you dressed and I'll sing your favorite song". Nora said"Yweah". Barry kissed Nora's head and said"Night Baby girl". Nora said"Nigh-Nigh Daddy". Bart said"Night Dad". Barry said"Night Jr". Bart dressed Nora in this.

 Bart dressed Nora in this

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Bart said"Hey baby sis you want a Baba"? Nora said"Ywes peass Bwubba"

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Bart said"Hey baby sis you want a Baba"? Nora said"Ywes peass Bwubba". Bart said"Ok love,I'll right back". Bart went downstairs and made Nora a bottle with formula. Bart said"Here sweetie". Nora said"T'anks Bwubba". Bart snuggled with his sister singing Come Running Home To You and soon both of them were asleep.

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