Babysitting Little Sister

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Barry and Iris where busy at their jobs,leaving Nora with her brother. Nora woke up Little. Nora said"Dwaddy? Mwommy"? Bart picked her up and kissed her head. Nora said"Bubba"! Bart said"G'Morning sweetheart. You hungry X'S"? Nora said"Uh huh's"! Bart said"What would you like baby girl"? Nora said"Pancakes Bubba". Bart said"Good Idea sis. But after Breakfast you need a bath sweetie". Nora said"Ok Bubba"... Bart said"Let's eat kiddo". *After breakfast*... Nora was splashing around in the bath. Bart said"Nora. No more splashing". Nora splashed Bart,soaking him in water. Bart said"Nora Dawn"! Nora splashed Bart again. *Bart dragged Nora out of the bath and carried her into her Littlespace Room*. Bart said"Nora,splashing me isn't ok". Nora said"Bubba,are you gonna spank me"? Bart said"No,I'm not going to spank you but you're in time-out". Nora said"Stupid Time-out". Bart said"Do you want me to pop you"? Nora said"No Bubba". Bart said"Stay in your bed for 6 minutes". Nora sat down and crossed her arms. Bart said"Uh ah,uncross em or you'll going down for a nap". Nora uncrossed her arms,holding her Impulse plushie. *After her time-out,Nora was staying in her Littlespace room*. Bart said"Nora,you ok"? Nora said"I'm fine". Bart saw the scars on his sister's arms and Said"Nora. Why'd you do this"? Nora said"Bad". Bart said"Why do you think that your bad"? Nora said"I hurt Mommy and Daddy and Thawne did things to me"... Bart said"Baby girl,why didn't you come talk to me"? Nora cried,Hugging her plushie tightly. Bart picked her up and sang come running home to you. Nora said"Bubba,I'm sorry". Bart said"You have nothing to be sorry for". *When Barry and Iris came home*... Nora said"Dad"!!! Barry said"Hey kiddo. Where you good for Bart"? Nora said"I was". Barry said"Was she"? Bart said"She was an Angel". Iris said"Tomorrow Nora has a doctor's appointment". Nora said"Is it Aunt Caitlin"? Iris said"No baby,It's not Auntie cait". Nora said"Then I'm not going". Barry said"Nora,you gotta go". Nora said"No"! Nora ran upstairs to her room,curling up on her bed. Barry said"Baby,What's wrong,why don't you wanna go to the doctors"? Nora said"What if they make me undress"? Barry said"Baby,why didn't you say so"? Nora said"I was scared cause of what Thawne did". Barry said"Iris,can you come upstairs pls"?! Iris said"Coming Bear"! *Iris comes upstairs* Iris said"What's up Babe"? Barry said"Nora doesn't wanna go to the doctors because she's afraid they'll make her undress". Iris said"Baby girl it's ok. I'll be in there with you the whole time,I'll make sure they don't overstep ok"? Nora said"Mom,Can we pls just go to Aunt Caitlin"? Iris said"Ok Baby,I'll call her and tell her". Nora said"Thanks mom". Iris said"You're Welcome Baby girl. Now get some sleep hun". Nora said"Dad,can you stay with me? Pls"? Barry said"Of course sweetheart. Move over Baby". Nora moved over on her bed,Barry laid next to her. It's quiet in the West-Allen household,All 4 members of the family where fast asleep. Barry held his daughter close to him protectively...

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