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A hare, with eyes so bright and clear,
Forager of the moonlit fields so dear,
A creature of grace, with fur like the dew,
She stops and listens to the night's eerie hue.

Ears pricked up, she leaps with the wind,
Running free under the stars, with joy unconfined,
Her heart racing to the rhythm of the night,
She runs with abandon, such a glorious sight.

With stars as her companions, she takes flight,
The sky her playground, with stars as her light,
She dances and twists with the constellations,
A performance so gentle, without reservations.

As she gazes upwards at the night masterpiece,
She wonders at the universe's caprice,
Such beauty exists, far beyond her scope,
A mystery so vast, it fills her with hope.

The hare then retreats, to her burrow unseen,
Carrying with her, the mystical, celestial sheen,
She snuggles up, surrendering to dreams so rare,
As the stars shine above, with a celestial flare.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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