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Long ago, there was a watcher, now this watcher was not a normal watcher, he had a heart. He didn't always have a heart, destroying world after world in the pursuit of chaos. That was until he met a beautiful admin, she showed him the life of a player and convinced him to give up the way of a watcher and live with her on her server. The two lived happily for years and even had a kid together. All was not okay though, the watcher was not okay, he needed the chaos, thrived on it; Instead of giving up destruction like he had promised his lover, he snuck off once a week to a random server. He terrorized, killed, and destroyed, all with a sadistic smile on his face. When his lover found out she was furious, she kicked him out of her life immediately. The watcher was heart broken, swearing off any sort of destruction for as long as he lived. He lasted a month before snapping, the entire server was wiped out in an instant, including the watcher. The only two survivors: the admin and her baby.

The admin taught her child about the watchers and their true nature and the child grew to follow in his mom's footsteps, becoming an admin himself.

Dear Reader,

After almost a year, a proud to announce, drumroll please...

Part II to Lies, Deceit, and Secrets!!!!!

With warm regards,


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