When I finally look up, I see my father and Aylin standing there, they're both pale. They probably match me.

"When did your symptoms start?" my father asks right away

"A week ago" I say

"When do you think this happened?"

I think for a second, I really don't know. We went at it like rabbits almost every night since I came here 2 months ago

'When was the last time we bled?' Tamisra asks

'A week or so before we found out we were mated to Roman' I tell her

'So, we could be anywhere from a week to a couple days under a month along' she says.

Werewolves are more fertile than humans, where humans can only get pregnant one week out of a month, we can get pregnant 3 weeks out of the month, the only time we can't is when we have our periods. Then, if we go into heat, the chance of getting pregnant is over 90%.

Goddess Selene, why didn't you give at least one of us a brain? Maybe even a brain to share amongst each other? We never even thought about protection, it didn't cross my mind a single time. Stupid, stupid, we are so stupid.

"Amara?" Aylin asks. Oh right, I was in the middle of a conversation

"I could be anywhere from a week to a little under a month" I say

"We don't know how fast this baby could grow, angels are pregnant for 8 months, werewolves 6, and demons 3. We don't even know if you'll follow any of those patterns, you're technically your own species" Dad says, I level a glare at him, well that's one way to make me feel like a freak

"What? It's true" he defends himself "You know what I mean, we need you to see a doctor. We should have you seen by several doctors! One of mine and one of the pack doctors. Fuck, maybe a healer too. Hades' hell, I can't believe you're pregnant, I am too young to be a grandpa"

"Seriously? You're 700! Why is that what worries you, out of everything else?" Aylin snaps, and smacks him upside the head. "No more hand to hand training, Father can continue to train with your magic, but until we understand this pregnancy better you need to take it easy. I'm calling a pack doctor over now, you need to call your mate, and you" Aylin pauses looking at dad "go get Dr. Debake." Dad nods before he comes up to me and hugs me

"I know this isn't ideal timing, but I will do everything in my power to keep you both safe, as will your mate. Hades and Selene blessed you with this light during a dark time, and when you hold your child in your arms for the first time, there is no joy that can compare. I promise you that." he says

I can't stop the smile that graces my face. Despite everything, the idea of chasing a mini Roman around the house is perfect, seeing Roman be a dad...holding our baby, teaching him how to fight, being there for his first shift. Yeah, this definitely isn't so bad. Bad timing, yes, but we just have to deal with this threat sooner rather than later.

"Gross, please if you're going to both get sappy give me a warning so I can exit the room" Aylin complains

"Complain all you want, who do you think I was talking about anyways?" my father teases her as she glares at him

"How about we deal with the matter at hand and get her to a doctor?" she says back, trying to look bored, but her lips twitch upward for just a second

"Can we just...pause for a minute. Just give me some time to go on a walk to Blair's. I need more ginger tea and to just absorb all this. Then I'm going to have to find Roman and tell him" I say and they nod

"Do you want me to go with you to Blair's?" she asks

"No, I just need a few minutes alone. She's not very far. I'll portal back, just give me half an hour." I tell them both, grabbing my phone and zip up. I decide on sending Roman a text instead of mindlinking, not wanting to disturb him while he's with the Fae warriors.

Heading to Blair's to get more tea. I need you to come home as soon as you're done with the Fae.

Exiting the pack house, the cool air kisses my cheeks and I inhale deeply, the nausea starting to ease up. I keep my hoodie unzipped, loving the cold. I definitely prefer winter over summer, and I'm grateful I won't be pregnant in the middle of July. I've been running hot for the last week too, I can't imagine what it will be like when there's eight whole pounds of baby in me.

I shake my head, I can't believe I was so dense. The 24/7 nausea, the morning sickness, and how I was sweating profusely after 5 minutes of training outside in the cold? Pregnancy didn't even cross my mind for a minute. I wish ignorance and stupidity were a form of birth control, because I would surely be completely fine and un-knocked up then.

I'm violently ripped out of my thoughts when I feel someone come up behind me and yank my hair back, throwing a hand over my mouth. I instantly panic, elbowing my attacker in the stomach and dropping my weight. I guard my stomach as I hit the ground and roll, and call my dagger to my hand just as I stand up. I look around but I don't see anyone...what the hell?

'ROMAN!' I scream through the mindlink just as a face I never thought I would see again materializes right in front of me and blows a powder in my face.

I cough, and I instantly feel my magic fizz away. I try to mindlink Roman again, but I can't make the connection, and Tamisra doesn't come forward either. Fuck, I feel so empty. I'm utterly human right now. Well, looks like I'll have to rely on good old hand to hand if I want to escape him.

"Hello again, little mate," Felix purrs. I growl

"I'm not your mate, last I checked he killed you" I snarl back

"Yeah about that, it's rather adorable that you both forgot incubi like me can shape shift. Although, I was rather sad to hear that you killed my brother. But, we all had to make sacrifices here. Now, you have two choices. You can come with me willingly, or if we must fight, then I'll just have to knock you unconscious and drag that sweet little ass out of here. Which will it be, little mate?"

Hatred like no other burns through me as I don't waste a beat before I lunge at him. Instantly, he portals behind me again as I almost stab my dagger into nothingness. He clicks his tongue

"Ah, still always so difficult." he says just as the alarms start blaring "I hope you weren't expecting that hybrid dog to come for you, he'll be a little preoccupied for the time being."

Not even half a second later, he materializes in front of me and punches me across the face. I grab his fist just as pain blooms in my jaw and twist his arm back, kicking him in the side. It's to no avail, he grunts, but rips his arm free and he grabs a fistful of my hair, yanking my head to the side. I feel a pinch in my neck just as everything goes black.

Alpha's Fallen AngelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя