Work Hard For It Honey

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I want to thank everybody who's read this story so far and had been patient with me.  That being said... I am definitely planning on finishing this story.  I finally have the entire thing mapped out (so I even know how it ends lol) now all that's left is to crank out those chapters.  I plan to release chapters more frequently and get this out there so I can focus on a My Hero Academia story I'm also in the beginning stages of.

WARNING: This chapter does have some brief description of drug and drug use.


The next several days went by in a dango and Shinobi Striker filled blur. Before I knew it, it was Thursday after school and I was shutting my door behind me to get ready for work. I put on the black cheongsam style dress, frowning in the mirror when it came up on my thighs higher than I had expected it to. I would have to be very careful bending over. I packed a change of clothes along with my black heels in a sage green drawstring backpack, and slipped some red flats on my feet. Obito wasn't home now, but he would be when I returned and I didn't want him asking questions this early. I pulled my hair into two space buns and put on my makeup- white eyeshadow, exaggerated eyeliner, and some pink lip stain. I rode the elevator down and exited my building, walking down the block in the direction of the club.


I pulled on the large golden handles of the club doors and felt the relief of the air conditioner wash over me. This time when I walked in, there were more people here. There was a blond haired girl in a similar outfit to mine restocking supplies at the hostess counter. A black hair girl was wiping some of the tables but stopped when she looked up and saw me.

"You must be the new girl. I'm Yoko, Kubo said to tell you to come and see her before you get started. She's in the back, just head through that door over there," She pointed to the same door that Ichigo had appeared from the other day.

I thanked her and made my way through the tables and couches and into the dance floor area. The door handle was easy to spot now with the lights up, but it would be almost invisible once it was dark in here and they turned the strobe lights on. Part of me wondered if that was to keep drunk people from wondering places they shouldn't be as I turned the knob and went through the doorway.

It was a short hallway that cut to the right rather quickly. If I were to continue going straight, it lead to a set of double swinging door that appeared to be the entrance to the kitchen. I instead followed the hallway and went right. I passed by a few doors until I came to one labeled 'Office' and luckily just happened to look in. There was the girl introduced to me as Kubo the other day, sitting at a large desk covered by a scattering of papers. I knocked on the doorframe, causing her to look up.

"Ah Uchiha! Nice to see you actually showed up," she smirked.

"Well I thought it best, not to waste the opportunity," I smiled, immediately comfortable around her.

"We'll see if you feel the same way at the end of your shift," she turned and rummaged through one of the desk drawers. "Here's your apron, your notepad, your employee card, your name tag. You can put your stuff in locker number '4', it's in the break room right next to this," she handed me a small key. "I'll give you two pens but you'll be expected to provide any additional that you might need. Make sure your writing is legible enough for kitchen staff to read, and you put all orders into the computer. Mostly you'll just be taking drink orders and transporting them from the bar to the table. Any dancer orders are put into the computer using the code 99, they don't pay and are allowed three drinks per shift."

I made a note of the code and the three drink rule on the first page of the notepad, "Sounds easy enough. Anything else I should know?"

She crossed her arms and gave me a once over before sighing, "You're going to be plenty popular around here. Be nice to your customers but don't let them take advantage of you. You look like you can take care of yourself, but if anyone gives you too much trouble, let me know and I'll handle it."

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