"We've got a meeting," Fred explained, "We'd explain more but its strictly business,"

"You won't even tell me?" Cassie pouted, hanging her head backwards to look at Fred who was now towering behind her. 

"Fine, I'll tell you later," Fred melted.

"Sucker," Ron and George coughed, making Fred glower at them while pushing George out of the room and then beginning to playfully beat the shit out of him; Lee absentmindedly followed them out, staring into his book with such intense focus that Cassie was sure he'd burn a hole through it. 

"He's in love with you," Dean remarked as they all returned their focus to their food. 

"No," Cassie dragged the word, deeply set in denial. 


"Are you blind?"

"He is so into you!"

"Yes, he is!"

The table burst into a noisy chorus over it, Cassie shaking her head furiously, refusing to listen to any of it, plugging her ears and screaming 'la la la' to shut them out. 

"Stop making so much of a nuisance," Malfoy's silky voice drawled out behind the group. 

"What is it Malfoy?" Delilah deadpanned at the boy who has been followed by his entourage: Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, her two minions (whose names they never bothered to learn since they managed to change every month) and Theodore Nott. 

"I need Zabini back," 

"I'm having breakfast Dar," Blaise replied, eyes on his plate as he spread the butter on his toast. 

"Bez, now,"

"I'm hungry," Blaise replied back again, the calmness in his tone irking Draco furthermore. 

"Bez," Draco began warningly. 

"Geez, get a hold of yourself Dar," Cassie groaned, "He's allowed to breakfast with his friends,"

"We're his friends," Pansy grumbled. 

"You are not my friend," Blaise scoffed, "We are barely acquaintances, Parkinson,"

"Am I your friend?" Theo began, confused. 

"You are my friend, Theo," Blaise nodded back after a moment of thought. Ron was trying very hard to control his laughter while the Tykes just watched this interaction lazily, the fun of this ballgame of a friendship having been washed away after the first few conversations with the Slytherins. 

"Bez, I'm not wasting my time like this," Draco finally snarled, "Get your arse up and follow us. We've got work,"

"No," Blaise grinned back, chewing the final piece of his toast. 

"What now?" Draco rolled his eyes. 

"You forgot the magic words,"


Cassie and Ron snorted at the choice of the word. 

"I'm being oh so very serious. Say the magic words and I'll come,"

Draco's nostrils flared in anger. His pale face was slowly showing spots of the colour maroon rushing to his cheeks. 

"Bez, get your arse up and follow us. Please," he added the last word with gritting teeth. Draco Malfoy hated not getting the last word in conversations like these. 

"Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Blaise grinned from ear to ear, standing up from his seat, "Yes, Draco, I will join you,"

With a grunt, the Slythrins stalked out of the room, Blaise jogging behind them after giving Delilah a half hug, fist-bumping Dean and ruffling Cassie's hair and bidding them goodbye. Ron received an awkward handshake considering neither knew where the other stood with them. 

"This was the most fun breakfast I've had in a long time," Ron remarked as the conversation between the remaining Tykes died down and each one decided to get up and get along with their day. 

"You could always join us," Cassie shrugged, "Fred and George always do. Ginny sometimes. Hermoine and Harry too, but today they left just a few moments before you came,"


"Anyway," Cassie cleared her throat, "I need to get going. I promised to help Harry prepare himself for the first task ... so I'll see you around?"

"Yeah," Ron nodded, blinking a few times. Cassie gave him a tight-lipped smile before turning around to head the other way when Ron called out to her. 

"Thank you," he burst, "for last night,"

"No problem at all," Cassie nodded, "That's what friends are for,"

"I like you, Cassandra Black," Ron half smiled, taking in the girl, "It's a shame I didn't realise that before,"

"I like you too, Ronald Weasley," Cassie grinned, bouncing on her feet, "And likewise,"

"See you around," Ron nodded, giving her a small wave.

"See you around,"

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