Chapter 2 Convergence

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When Percy came back to his senses. He felt the sand first.

Next his eyes snapped open to the raging sun. Groaning he sat up rubbing his forehead.

For a moment he thought himself in a desert, that was until he layed eyes on walls far away nearly out of view, he spun around on himself finding many many people strewn all around.

Some looked like adults, some looked like teenagers, but more importantly some were dressed like they lived in old times.

Percy took a few steps "ANNABETH!" his voice echoed miles around waking up many people at his feet.

"Percy?" A groggy voice asked groaning.

It wasn't Annabeth, but Percy knew that voice.

"Carter?" Percy replied finding the teen on his back, he quickly helped him up. "What's going on?" Demanded the Magician."

"Beats me, I was with Annabeth before everything went black."

"I was teaching a class, same thing happened." He slowly assessed the situation. "That's a lot of people." he commented nervously fishing around in his satchel. "Last time we got together it wasn't for fun."

"It's not a reassuring sight indeed. Any idea where we might be?"

"Well we're not in Egypt that's for sure. I think my sister's around I—."

"Go find her let's try to meet up later." Carter nodded and ran off calling for Sadie.

Percy kept walking around calling for Annabeth, ignoring the various people also waking up. He wished he could have told them to stay down, it was getting increasingly harder to find anyone.

This had the god's name written all over it. Which deity they better pray Percy never finds out.

He saw a young teen maybe around fifteen having a hard time getting up. Taking a second Percy helped him, but the moment the boy met his eyes he stumbled backwards with a startled yelp.

Percy eyed his confused, he seemed oddly familiar, but the son of Poseidon couldn't quite put his finger on it.

A girl with silver hair appeared behind him helping him to his feet, both much to Percy's furthered confusion stared at him warily.

It didn't matter, Percy had better things to do than ask strangers what their deal was.

"Bow to the might of Rome!" Cried out a Centurion in Latin Percy didn't recognize him, he ran straight for him his gladius held high.

Percy casually jabbed the adult man in the face, the Roman falling backwards limply.

He inspected the Roman warrior and frowned when he didn't find a single touch of Imperial Gold. A crazy cosplayer perhaps, he met too man of those that genuinely believed to be the real deal of what they tried to emulate.


His keen sense found the source of her voice. His body moved on it's own, the demigod leaping over people to get a better view.

He found Annabeth looking up at him mid jump, she was surrounded by their collective friends. Grover Nico Will all the seven, gathered in the same place. This wasn't a good sign, a blood moon on a Friday the 13th was a better omen.

Percy froze once he realized what he just saw.

All of the seven.

Jason has been dead for months.

Percy broke through the crowd hugging Annabeth the moment he saw her. Throwing a haunted look at Jason as he did.

"Is that really him." He asked his girlfriend.

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