Chapter 31-35

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Chapter 31 The Fish Is Too Big

    Zhong Haoyan didn't know why he called. In fact, the phone and communication equipment had already been confiscated before they left for the mission, and the place he was using now was temporarily modified by him, and it could only be used once.

    "Hao Yan?" Yang Qian asked softly to make sure she had heard correctly, even though she felt unbelievable.

    "Yeah." Zhong Haoyan's face is a little hot now, he has a lot to say, but he doesn't know what to say, he wants to tell Yang Qian that he has been waiting in this pile of dirt and hay It's been three days, and I can't move here, but I feel very embarrassed when I think about my secret phone call.

    "I've already eaten, have you eaten?" Zhong Haoyan's lukewarm attitude made Yang Qian feel very embarrassed. She originally thought that the other party was secretly calling, but this will also dispel such thoughts. The other party is a soldier, so how could he do such a thing? In addition, when he left last time, he didn't say that he was on a mission. It was impossible to bring this phone with him, so how could he call her.

    Hearing Yang Qian's words, Zhong Haoyan couldn't help feeling that the compressed biscuits were not so bad. But he still answered that he had already eaten, and said that Yang Qian was going to sleep soon, and he was going to sleep too. In fact, he was discovered and was about to run away.

    Regarding Zhong Haoyan's inexplicable call and inexplicable hang-up, Yang Qian felt that this person was sick, but no matter whether the other party was sick or not, calling meant that he intended to get closer to her. No matter how incapable of dealing with interpersonal relationships, she also felt that she should be more enthusiastic about Zhong Haoyan in the future?

    Of course, this is impossible. Yang Qian has a cold temper, but she is actually a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. As long as you get to know her well, you will find that she will always pay attention to every aspect of you and take good care of you. If you are not careful , you won't notice it at all.

    Thinking like this, Yang Qian couldn't help thinking about the bad signal, and couldn't help complaining in her heart, how mountainous it must be to make a rustling sound when talking like that. Thinking about it, I can't help but feel that being a soldier is really too hard. Responsibilities are there, iron bones are fighting, not a good man can explain clearly, they all use their blood and sweat to fully explain the true meaning of this sentence.

    And Zhong Haoyan on the other side was more unlucky. He didn't expect to wait for a big fish at this time, and this big fish still had teeth. He would reveal his whereabouts. One reason was that he hadn't seen it for too long. Yang Qian wanted to make a phone call. The second reason was because she couldn't wait for a long time. He came up with a strategy to lure the enemy.

    The people behind him have been clinging to each other, Zhong Haoyan has missed several opportunities to meet his teammates, he is not annoyed, and there is really no one to blame for this matter, who made him want to be with Yang Qian at that time? Say a few more words, this is not going to screw yourself.

    So, don't be too greedy, be careful of being choked, well, he was cheated, not choked.

    "The agreed captain, why hasn't he come yet?" Yang Lin was very bored and pulled the tree beside him. He was alone in this deep mountain and old forest, and there was no one by his side. He felt lonely.

    "Plop down." Originally, he was going to say a few more sour words, but he didn't expect to hear the captain's voice at this time, and there was a series of footsteps behind him, which made him feel surprised and happy, thinking to the captain, we Can you bring back such a big fish, it's too big to eat!

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