
The victim's apartment was on the first floor, the door covered by brightly coloured barricade tapes.

Minho and Changbin showed their Badge ID to the guard, before wearing shoe coverings and stepping into the apartment. "What about him?" the man said, and Changbin turned around just to see he was referring to Hyunjin, who looked a bit lost. Apparently, he didn't own an ID Badge yet.

"He is one of us." He sighed, and then added with a whisper, "Newbie, you know".

"Detective Seo and Lee right?" a woman approached the two, who was dressed in protective clothing and garments. To Minho, she looked funny, but he tried to suppress his snort.

"Follow me". The four headed to the bathroom, where the lifeless corpse of the mentioned woman laid. Thank god she was now covered with an overlay.

"Her name was Kang Soona, 22 years old. She was found dead by her parents 48 hours after her passing. Apparently, she wouldn't answer her calls or messages by anyone, so they had to break down the door"

Minho glanced around the room, that was cleaned well apart from the big, red stain in the bathtub.

"Interesting to know that we haven't found any fingerprints or any traces from the assassin. They must be an expert in this field" the woman proceeded to explain, her hands in gloves gesturing in motion.

Changbin leaned closer to the body it reeked the worst smell, probably it was decomposing already. "And this?" he pointed to the victim's hair, as he scrunched his nose.

The woman nodded "I also thought if it was just her haircut – but it seems that the killer might have cut out a chunk before leaving"

"Possessiveness we have then" Minho noted, and Hyunjin who was standing behind, immediately wrote something down in his notebook.

"Indeed Min." Changbin wandered his eyes around the room, looking for something that could relate to the case.

"Hyunjin was your name, right?" Changbin pointed to the red dress that was displayed across the floor and looked at Hyunjin. "You see this dress? It looked like she went on a night out."

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow, not understanding what Changbin meant. "Tell me, what do women also wear on occasions with fancy dresses?"

"Jewelry!" Minho blurted excitedly, as if the question was directed to him.

"I was not talking to you" Changbin grumbled, and faced the newbie again. "But yes, it should be jewellery. Do you see any in this bathroom?"

Minho and Hyunjin looked around, just to see none of them. "She also isn't wearing any. Meaning, the assassin took them as well."

Hyunjin's lips formed into an oh, and Changbin shared a smile. The killer was indeed possessive.

"I'll be sending you the results of her autopsy tomorrow, I'll let you guys know", the woman added, and walked away from the room.

"Who was that woman?" Hyunjin later asked, as the three of them walked out of the apartment and down the stairs. "The one covered all up? The CSI, Hyunjin, couldn't you tell?" Minho glared at the newbie, who just blinked more confused.

"Minho, don't you see he has no idea of shit?" Changbin shook his head and looked back to Hyunjin.

"CSI stands for Crime scene investigators. They document the crime scene. They also take photographs and physical measurements of the scene, identify and collect forensic evidence, and maintain the proper chain of custody of that evidence. But seriously, don't you learn this stuff at school?"

Hyunjin silently shook his head, maybe he looked a bit disappointed in himself.

"Alright, we gotta interrogate the neighbours. Minho who will you go for?"

There were in total 3 neighbours that lived in the same building as the victim. The perfect number for the three detectives.

"Oh, I think I'll head to the second floor" Minho answered, already taking out his notes to get ready.

"Great, Hyunjin, what about you?"

Hyunjin's eyes grew wide. "I really have to? I have never-"

Minho glanced at Changbin for a silent moment, but they soon broke into a big laughter. "There is always a first time," Minho said in between giggles, and grabbed Hyunjin's wrist to pull him up the stairs. Minho loved to torment newbies for this exact reason, their faces were always priceless. "Come on, you're also gonna take the second floor."

After Changbin had calmed down, he turned around and made his way to the door of the neighbour and pressed the doorbell. Immediately, he heard footsteps coming closer.

As soon as the door opened, Changbin started his routine. "Detective Seo here, hello Mr.-"

But he halted surprised, as soon he noticed it was someone he already knew.


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