Aren Kuboyasu (Revised Edition)

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Aren! What are you doing here? Don't you know your way around a bike," you ask jokingly. It was odd to see him here at the shop since he does know what he's doing.

"I needed a part that's harder to find than what I originally thought. Seems your dad was the closet mechanic with the part who'd let me buy it off him. Lucky me, I got to see you outside of school, in uniform no less."

"Oh sure, a mechanic uniform is just sooo sexy. Though, I'd rather have the oil and grease on this rather than my school uniform. I got an earful from my mother."

"You know, some things are just a matter of opinion." You couldn't help the slight blush, not noticing his. You heard a chuckle from inside, seeing your dad smirking at the two of you.

"You'd think you'd both have more shame than to flirt in front of me. Guess I'll give your boyfriend a discount." You and Aren almost died of embarrassment that day. Exchanging goodbyes with stutters and lack of eye contact.

He Asks You Out

You and Aren were hanging out for most of the day. He invited you out on your day off from work, and when school was out for the day. Of course, you'd accept. You'd both just went window gazing and to a bookstore, stopping by a food cart for a snack. At the moment, he was walking you home. All in all, it was a lovely day. Until some guys intercepted your walk. Aren tensed up a bit, but you couldn't blame him. Who wouldn't in this scenario?

"Empty your pockets and we might let you pass. This is our street after all!"

"Yeah, and maybe you can come hang with us pretty thang. We'll show you a good time."

The air around Aren felt like it had shifted. You could cut the tension with a knife. Before you knew it Aren ripped a stop sign out of the ground and proceeded to beat the brakes off the group of men that had previously been threatening you. A small amount of blood dripped off Aren's cheek, but he seemed perfectly fine. Stepping off the pile of bodies he walked over to you, wiping off his glasses.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. I just couldn't let them disrespect you like that. I...I need to be honest with you. I' ex-gang member. I left that life behind me, but it's like it follows me everywhere. I know I seem scary and I get it if you don't wanna hang out after today...I just, love being around you and don't want to see you hurt." He looked so sad and scared. Completely different from the guy that wielded a sign that wayed more than you no more than five minutes ago.

"I love being around you too, in both good and bad moments. I hope we can do this again, without people like them interrupting hopefully, and maybe as a date?"

"A date? With me?" He pointed to himself with a quizzical look. You reached up and wiped the blood off his cheek with your sleeve. You nodded with a smile, and what you said must have finally hit him because he lit up. Wrapping you in a hug he promised that he'd make sure you had an even better time on your date.

First Date

Aren took you on a motorcycle ride through the countryside. He didn't want anyone to interfere with your date and he did promise to make this excursion better than the last one. It was fall so all the leaves were changing color. It was beautiful! He packed a picnic for the both of you and you ended up chatting for hours. At one point you saw some baby cows peek their head through the fence across from you, so you decided to feed them some apple sliced and pet them. He couldn't help but watch with a smile on his face. Upon coming back, you saw a carving you didn't notice before. He told you this is where his parents came for their first date. He pulled out a knife and carved a new heart and put both your initials in. You walked over, leaning up to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek. He blushed, and you knew for a 'bad boy' he was a huge softie.

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