Chapter 1

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'Désiré', Mom called,

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'Désiré', Mom called,


     Well i'm case you are wondering, today is moving day and Mom as the 'Mrs perfect' ( she's gonna kill me if she heard that) wants to make sure everything is set without forgetting a thing.

     Oops!, Where are my manners?!.

     My name is Désiré Badmus from Chicago moving to LA because Dad got a promotion at work and we all have to move to LA and he believes family should be united in everything no matter what,so here we are. I'm going to fill you guys later but first duty calls.

   'I'm right here'. I answer heading downstairs.

   "So is everyone ready, your father will be here soon". Mom asks.


"Where is your brother?", Mom asks

"I'm right here" (that's Joseph, Joe for short, my troublesome brother, too tall for my liking, which he uses to oppress me).

" Is everyone ready?" Dad bursts in saying.

"Yes", we grudgingly answer, who wants to move from a town they basically spent their entire lives to a new one?

"Okay, that's perfect, let's move the loads into the trunk" Dad says

  Guess the only excited one here is Mom and Dad I say internally and immediately my brother and I lock eyes and smile at our parents excitement.

"Désiré, walk faster or we are going to miss our flight" Mom says and I inwardly roll my eyes, "talk about drama queen".

     The drive to the airport was spent relieving on the city I lived basically all my life, my friends, my awesome job, and other things. I start thinking about LA, starting a new life, new friends, new city, new environment, new people but my thoughts were interrupted when Mom announces our arrival at the airport.

     The wait at the airport was forever as we got there an hour earlier than our flight due to my mom's impatience and worry about us missing our flight which she blames on her being excited.

    I still remember the look on my I and my brother's face when Dad announced the moving over dinner, I guess the person who was more sad and terrified of leaving was Joe because of his friends , football team he was leaving behind and mostly because of Pat, his girlfriend who took her forever to accept his proposal.
       Trust me when she did, my brother couldn't stop grinning all week and smiling anytime he sees her picture one would think he was going crazy. Now he's leaving her behind. No matter how hard we tried to talk to Mom to convince dad of the family moving to LA , it all proved abortive and fell on deaf ears, she advised Joe that he and Pat could try long distance relationship which we do know isn't really always healthy or productive.

  I think the major reason is so excited is to brag to her friends about dad's promotion and our moving to LA but whatever.

    Here we are now, waiting for our flight because someone thought it was for the best to be super early and here I am relishing my last moment in Chicago before boarding a plane to LA, I look at Joe wearing a sad face and I am sure he's probably scrolling through Pat's picture and missing her and I can't help but feel sorry for him. I never in a million years thought we would move out, even to another city.  I always thought the reason I would move out was for my University but I guess I was wrong.

   We boarded our flight about 5 minutes ago, flying to LA.
    "This will be fine" Mom says enthusiasied.
  I dive deeper into my seat wondering what LA had in store for us.

      Hi lovelies, this is my first story ever in this app and there are bound to be errors and mistakes but I can promise you that it gets better as time goes by. So just stick with me and I promise it will be worth your time☺️.
   Your comments means a lot to me and I will appreciate your views on my book.  Don't also forget to like, comment and share☺️😉.

   Okay, I'm talking too much, I'll just stop here and let the book do justice to itself.

     Until then, ciao✌️.


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