Episode 15: True Lovers, The First Day (PART 1/2)

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It's like living half of my life on the streets of Bangkok. This scene, the atmosphere, especially from four to six in the evening, it's like a movie. Life was clear at that moment, a time when people were mentally prepared to travel back home, whether it was by private car or various transportation services. Cher, in particular, couldn't fully express himself because every time he encountered a motorbike cutting in front of him or getting stuck at a red light, he unintentionally blurted out profanities.

While I was reminiscing, I remembered the time when I went to watch a movie with my bro friend, Tee. He was hungry, so as soon as he woke up, he took a shower and got dressed. We were planning to stop by a Japanese restaurant in the mall. However, while we were stuck at a red light, he started complaining, saying, "I'm hungry, can you give me some money to buy instant noodles with an egg?" That darn kid, looking pitifully at me and asking for money to eat.

I felt sorry for the kid. What led him to do such things? But when Tee lowered the window and said, "We're not the same. Can you give me ten baht? I'll use it to buy instant noodles with an egg." That brat, his face relaxed, walked away as if he wouldn't let him escape, a good kid like him. He said, "We haven't had a meal for three days. If I get ten baht from you, we can survive for a while longer. Can you give it to me, brother? "

The boredom on the streets ended with one hundred baht. Both Tee and the child were happy. We didn't know if the child was really hungry or if it was just a business strategy. Let's not think too much about the underlying reasons.

"Give me your hand, please."

The voice of the driver broke the monotony on the street. Laem glanced at the person next to him, who extended his hand even though he kept looking at the rear of the car in front. Today, the boss said he wanted them to dress up and go to the flea market. That meant a white T-shirt, three-quarter pants, and flip-flops. Although it might look normal on the outside, when put together, it was worth tens of thousands.

I remembered when the boss walked out and showed himself, asking, "Is it good enough? Sorry, I couldn't buy new shoes in time." Oh... I heard it and felt sorry. He had been heavily teased before, so I decided to chip in. It doesn't matter whose style it is. The price of shoes doesn't solely determine its worth, you know. If the appearance doesn't accommodate wearing shoes worth hundreds of thousands, people will think you bought them for a hundred or ninety-nine baht. Just like that brat, for example, he used to wear shoes worth several thousand baht to show off, as if he bought them in bulk from a wholesale store.

But Boss, seriously, if you wear a white T-shirt with a designer logo, you'll look so expensive. You can tell from your golden face and incredibly sexy figure.

"Do you see me as a dog? Can't catch me," I can play the cool guy role for once. The guy who was holding a phone to his ear was suddenly mute, realizing that I know the job better than a police dog.

"You're hungry, aren't you? You're acting so cranky."

"Oh yeah, I can eat a bull dipped in three-layer fried batter without removing the bones."

"Nice one," Boss chuckled, teasingly intertwining his fingers. He held my hand and placed it on his lap as if afraid that I would jump out of the car.

Being with someone you like, listening to cool international songs together, it makes the boring feeling on the road a lot less boring. Ha! If we're already lovers for real, if we could go back in time to the beginning, I'd probably be confused because I didn't think we would end up like this.

Oh, back then we just talked like normal people. There were only ambiguous moments when someone asked me to turn on the camera and then played and teased me. If it were bullets, I would have been shot multiple times.

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