Episode 05: Scene in the drama (part 1/2)

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"Your new lipstick looks beautiful. I just arrived in Thailand yesterday."

"Yeah, it looks beautiful, but it's just an outer shell. Because ultimately, the important thing is what's inside, that's completely different."

The bespectacled guy replied with a calm face while observing the deceptive beauty on the girl's face in makeup.


"We get so engrossed in the embellishments that we overlook the true beauty from within. We forget that once we die, the body will decay and turn to ashes."

"Oh, so you're spouting philosophical quotes now? Is it difficult to simply answer whether something is beautiful or not?"

"I'm just speaking the truth about the essence of humanity. Open your heart and accept it, then you won't suffer from the pain of fake beauty anymore."

"Oh, it's your thing. Why don't you ask Mr. Wise then?"

The young woman sighed heavily, sweeping her gaze to find another friend to talk to. She was looking for someone to chat with more than the boss, who always gave advice but was nowhere to be found. Although she was usually easy to spot due to her hair color, she was disappointed to find nothing but unease. However, she came across a half-faced intern who was walking closely along the wall with a peculiar posture. Without saying a word, it was apparent that he was a trainee. With his bright hair, he looked like a drunk student who hadn't gone home from the night before but had shown up for an internship.

"What's the matter, Cher?"

"Huh!" The person being called turned their head to the left and right before looking to see if anyone was watching. Then, they pulled their friend, who was wearing an S-sized suit, into the office kitchen and checked their appearance once more.

"What's bothering you?"

"Is the boss coming?"

"Yes, why do you ask? Is the boss supposed to come again? Didn't Je Aoi say he only comes once a week? This is already the second time."

She remembered yesterday's incident well. When the boss arrived and asked for Jack, but no one knew where he was, everyone's eyes were diverted. Then she complained, "How can we rely on him? Today is still the same." Her colleagues' faces fell.

"He's not here yet, but he'll probably come soon. Just talk and laugh for now. Jack is in a meeting with the other guys, discussing art concepts."

"Yes, it's been about half an hour. But he doesn't answer no matter what we ask."

"That's how it is, P'aoi," Laem smirked, put his arm around the shoulder of his beautiful friend and looked at her seriously. "Let's cut to the chase and pretend to be a couple."

"Get lost, is this a joke?"

"Hey, P'aoi, I'm serious. Who would make fun of something so serious as a neck injury?" Requesting to date a girl with thick makeup is not something that I do every day.

"What's happening? Why suddenly want to play and pretend to be a couple? When I was pursuing you, you didn't want it." The girl pouted her lips, used her breasts to push his arm, and said she was home alone, but this crazy person said he wanted to end the game first and then come over. But it's been three days and the game hasn't ended yet. I don't know if it takes a lifetime to finish or if he'll remember that someone is waiting.

"There's an urgent and dangerous reason. I want you to play along with me in front of the boss."

"Are you crazy? You can't do that. Just because you're an intern. You won't pass both of us. Anyway, how does this lipstick look? Kissable?"

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