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The Ever Hall was a buzz with Ever girls from different Kingdoms. And both Adeline and Hyacinth were being welcomed on each side of the hall. Every girl and fairy fawned over pretty Adeline, they knew she'd be the biggest competition with the princes, so they planned to befriend her first and take all the chances they could get. Hyacinth on the other hand was being interviewed about what it was like to come from a Fairy Tale princess. She just smiled and changed the subject when the girls were too close to it.

Adeline was gaping at every Ever girl's gown, they were exquisite, in design, color, and even their hair was curled most beautifully. She wondered if she could keep up with these princesses. Hyacinth tried to be kind and considerate when it comes to answering questions about her mother,

'Was she beautiful?' No.

'Is she kind?' No.

'Was it true love?' Definitely not.

But every Ever girl shrieked in delight when she talked about how romantic her father was to her mother during their youth. She hoped she won't room with any of those girls to save her from lying and getting turned into a morgrif.

Thankfully as the fairies finally have the Ever girls in line, and ready for the Welcoming, Hyacinth noticed a pretty raven-haired girl by the front also being crowded by fellow Ever girls, the girl noticed Hyacinth staring at the back and their eyes met. And the raven-haired girl smiled and waved, and turned back to the redhead she was exchanging conversation with. As she recollected her thoughts, she thought how her mother would be glad if she was her daughter. Very prim and proper, surely every Ever Boy would ask her out for the Ever Snow Ball. Now that is a new problem for her.

Now both Evers and Nevers entered the Theater of Tales, Ever girls dressed in gowns of different sorts, Never girls and boys wearing black robes and similar scowls, daring the Ever girls to look their way and earn a few insults from the bleachers before them.

Hyacinth sat the farthest from the Ever girls who were busy gossiping and talking about who and how they were going to find their prince. She sat closest to the teachers who were unfortunately either old classmates or old teachers of her parents. She greeted all of them with a smile especially Dean Dovey who just walked past her and Professor Espada talking about sword fighting.

"A princess, interested in sword fighting?" Dovey asked.

"Why yes, Dean. We just started talking about-"

"Sword fighting is strictly Ever Boys ONLY. Sorry, dear, I'm sure there are other things you could put your interest in." Dovey said and proceeded to get onstage along with Lady Lesso the Dean of the School for Evil.

Both she and Professor Espada exchanged looks and grinned. The professor leaned closer to her and said "I knew your father, although he may not be the best swordfighter in his batch, he was kind enough to inform me that he would be a hard student to teach. He was a thrill to watch." he laughed. Hyacinth smiled and thought school wouldn't be bad after all, she has a professor she could look forward to and possibly new friends coming her way. What could go wrong?

"Everything went wrong." she sighed.

Lying on her bed recalling the most embarrassing thing she'd done in the welcoming.

"Welcome to the School for Good and Evil! I am Professor Dovey, Dean of the School for Good." Dovey smiled waving her hand to the beautiful Ever girls who cheered "EVERS! EVERS! EVERS!" clapping their hands in unison. "And I am Lady Lesso, Dean of the School for Evil." Lady Lesso smiled and waved her hands to the angry mob of Nevers still glaring daggers at the Evers and yelled "NO MORE! NO MORE! NO MORE!" pointing their dirty fingers and spitting on the floor. The wolves thwarted those who spat and made them clean the floors. Dovey wasn't pleased with it not even one bit.

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